I'm only excited because this means Majora's Mask 3D master Quest has to happen. OOT is great and all but give me some dark brooding atmosphere. Give me some terrible consequences of going to lost woods without a fairy. Give me world literally filled with sadness that you have to fix entirely then ultimately accept your going to die(?) please.
(05-30-2011, 10:41 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]its a rather cheap move to port this and simply retexture it? yes. but at least its not ANOTHER remake of a mario game wich i'm pretty sure is an already overdone move from nintendo on its handhelds since that horrible port of sm64 on the DS. and yeah, this has been almost a standard since smb DX(welp how do i still remember this)
Well atleast they tried a little bit with the Super Mario 64 remake by adding more stars and more characters.
You also got to consider there's a new generation of kids who probably never played the original old games.
(05-30-2011, 10:41 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]you're all way too excited for something that should had been made on the game cube like 10 years ago with the already re-relase of OOT/MQ.
its a rather cheap move to port this and simply retexture it? yes. but at least its not ANOTHER remake of a mario game wich i'm pretty sure is an already overdone move from nintendo on its handhelds since that horrible port of sm64 on the DS. and yeah, this has been almost a standard since smb DX(welp how do i still remember this)
wich in any case doesnt deny the fact the sm sunshine is probably going to be launched on this in a couple of months. if not galaxy(with new features such as... 3D functionality)
in any case, its 1998 all over again, people overhyping this zelda just cause it looks nice, even when its the exact same game with the exact same gameplay and the same exact plot(?) and you all know whats going to offer and it will probably carry the same glitches and bugs the original n64 title(wich ironically and to an extent, did not affect the gameplay but in some instances even aded to it, inb4 gold skulltullas)
all in all, again, you're all just buying the same exact game for the third time: the original, the game cube relase, the 3ds relase and add a fourth if you got it on the virtual console (obiusly not counting those who bought again the original cart and console.).
I agree they could of made something new or put a little more effort in but,
this is what the fans want. And I'm not going to get mad at Nintendo for giving us something we've been asking for since the DS was released.
And it's not like people wouldn't have bought this if they just straight up ported it with no graphical changes. They didn't HAVE to do it.
I wouldn't have been excited if they announced another PH/ST for the 3DS but i am excited for this.
And i don't see a problem if they do port Mario Sunshine.
I mean, we already have 2 completely original Mario games coming to the 3DS hopefully by the end of 2011.
Porting an old game wont remove those from the library, it'll just add to it.
And make a lot of fans happy.
I think people worry that Nintendo are wasting their time on these ports when they could be making original games.
When in reality, they ARE making original games. And they don't use the Zelda team for ports, they're probably off right working on Skyward sword and an original Zelda title for 3DS.
(05-30-2011, 11:58 PM)Omegajak Wrote: [ -> ]I'm only excited because this means Majora's Mask 3D master Quest has to happen.
No it doesn't. There's absolutely no evidence or reason why it would. Especially if this port doesn't sell as well as they'd like.
even if the possibility of a majora's mask remake is fairly low, I wouldn't mind having it as long as it does include a master quest.
However I'd much rather see a new Zelda game on the 3DS that uses a similar engine as this one.
(05-30-2011, 10:41 PM)Fuchikoma Wrote: [ -> ]that horrible port of sm64 on the DS.
are you sure we played the same game because aside from having to hold a button down to run (which you get used to within minutes) SM64DS was a really good port + added content
So wait a minute.
If a game gets some graphic updates, an altered engine (even if it was a slight update), and added content in the case of SM64DS. How does that in anyway make it a port? It sounds a lot more like a remake to me.
because it's the same original engine?
they /ported/ the game to the 3ds and then added content
a remake would mean that they started from scratch and completely remade the game for the 3ds, using none of the original assets.
But I don't think the engine has been much altered in either SM64 DS or OoT 3D, beyond getting it running on the new framework.
A remake would be, y'know, a new engine, rather than an altered one. Let's not mince words here.
I don't know what could have been horrible about SM64DS. Those mini games were flipping fun. I never got to play the main story though...
Though did Nintendo themselves call it a remake? Because if they're just touching up the graphics (and possibly adding new stuff), then it wouldn't be a remake, would it? I guess no one knows what's really going on with this.
the two posts directly above yours just said that it's a port and not a remake
(05-31-2011, 05:04 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know what could have been horrible about SM64DS. Those mini games were flipping fun. I never got to play the main story though... 
Though did Nintendo themselves call it a remake? Because if they're just touching up the graphics (and possibly adding new stuff), then it wouldn't be a remake, would it? I guess no one knows what's really going on with this.
Do you seriously not read up on the topic before you just respond to a topic?
You misunderstood what I was saying. I just said it wasn't a remake, I was asking if Nintendo said themselves if it was a port because everyone was calling it a remake before (I don't keep up with news).
If they really and truly remade it, that would be sweet (all they've done with the game so far is port it?). And if they did do that they should add a new ocarina song and items or something.
Me and my cousin have gotten through a good amount of Majora's Mask and I wanna see the rest of the game... we got to that part where the moon is falling down and that was so much fun.
They're calling it a remake, because no PR team ever is going to admit to copypasting existing game code. But then calling it a Remake would be technically misinformation; so I suspect they're just being very selective with their words, and saying things like 'revisit' instead.
If I was *good* journalist, I'd go and google their press pack for the game and quote it; but I'm tired and don't care.
I was about to say the same thing as well; I can't recall any company actually calling a port a port.
But it is.