Enough to break the ice. Hey I'm Chibi. I'm a friend of Flannel bastard and he recommended me to the site. I don't sprite, but I'm big into video games and anime/manga, is what I'm being told to say. So I hope to be posting a lot more often
Hey, if you're a friend of the bastard you must be pretty cool.
(And actually an adult male polar bear weighs anywhere between 775 to 1,200 pounds)
Hey, Chibi, welcome!

(05-04-2011, 06:20 PM)Saffron Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, if you're a friend of the bastard you must be pretty cool.
(And actually an adult male polar bear weighs anywhere between 775 to 1,200 pounds)
I think that has got to be the best response I am ever going to hear from this. And I thank you for that
aheh, okay, i was slow at getting that joke.
welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay.
Heeeey Chibi! Flannel's pretty awesome yeah, so you must be awesome too!

Friends with the bastard? Well then your good in my book, welcome to Pixeltendo TSR.
Oh hello and welcome. You should fit in here pretty well, it turns out I'm not really a spriter myself either so don't worry about that, plus we don't dwell on just sprites anyway.