I heard something rattling in my pokemon blue, so I opened it up.
The battery was disconnected! So I taped it back in and it's all good now, but I lost my save..

Built a Frankenbox out of a red ring Xbox and an Xbox that stopped recognizing controllers, had it's case smashed and a couple other damages. I have been thinking about modding my old GBC though.
Took apart a gamecube controller once, had no idea what to do with it since it caused my gamecube to fry whenever it was plugged in
(I know that the controller's doing this for a fact; gamecube boots normally, but the second that controller gets plugged in it blacks out. If the controller's in there at the beginning, it doesn't launch period.)
I just slapped it back together and left it at that.
Oh, and I'm trying to fix a 360 that likes to red ring. Can't do much until I can pick up a T9 screwdriver :F
oh, hey i wondered why this topic didn't exist
fixed my GBA a few weeks ago by buying a busted GBA for $2 on ebay and simply swapping out screens.
Wanted to fix my Pokemon gold battery with help of my dad (yes, soldering, the ultimate father-son bond) but he was all "durrrr give it to my friend he is better at soldering than me"
but the idea was to bond with him whilst doing it
ok, fuck
i also cleaned the interiors up a few of my grimy GBC games I recently won off ebay (kinda interested how FUN DIP managed to get in the corners of Oracle of Ages. WHAT) and cleaned Ocarina of Time today
This week, I'm getting an Atomic Purple shell for my GBC and I'm gonna swap off the Grape shell it's had all its life
fuck i'm so psyched
you can just tape the battery into the cartridge, you don't need to solder it in.
(05-09-2011, 12:53 AM)Key Wrote: [ -> ]you can just tape the battery into the cartridge, you don't need to solder it in.
i'm aware of this, but i'm a nostalgiafaggot who'd rather have the battery actually stay in with SCIENCE and not a ghetto-fabulous fix :{
just do like i did and pop the old battery off the tabs and slide the new one into the same spot
it stays in with no solder or tape needed
Replaced buttons on my mayflash arcade stick with seimetsu.
Also changed the stick to ls-32. Seeing if i can muilti-mod it.
I can fix RRoD'd 360s pretty easy.
Just gotta open it up and flip the x clamps which moves two things that heat up away from each other.
Don't even know what it does really. But it fixes the RRoD.
(05-09-2011, 10:25 AM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ] (05-09-2011, 12:53 AM)Key Wrote: [ -> ]you can just tape the battery into the cartridge, you don't need to solder it in.
i'm aware of this, but i'm a nostalgiafaggot who'd rather have the battery actually stay in with SCIENCE and not a ghetto-fabulous fix :{
yeah but then what do you do when it needs to be replaced?
mines not as extravagant
but um
one time my GBA speakers weren't working so i just smacked it and it was working again
basically a genius
A friend of mine can take apart electronic devices and put them back together with no manual. I've seen him do it with a PS2, Game Boy Color, 3DS, and XBox. That's all I've seen though. They work too.
(05-09-2011, 08:32 PM)Teddy The Elite Wrote: [ -> ]A friend of mine can take apart electronic devices and put them back together with no manual. I've seen him do it with a PS2, Game Boy Color, 3DS, and XBox. That's all I've seen though. They work too.
Its not too hard to do this with the average electronic as long as you know what you're doing and you pay attention to what goes where. The hardest part for me is usually finding the hidden screws some companies (Microsoft...) likes to put under stickers and such, but that's pretty straightforward. I have to do it with my PSP every once in a while to replace parts (its old and the previous owner didn't care for it as much) and occasionally blow dust off the interior screen.
(05-09-2011, 06:41 PM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]mines not as extravagant
but um
one time my GBA speakers weren't working so i just smacked it and it was working again
basically a genius
thanked, but unthanked just because chaoticyoshi thanked it
also thinking of replacing the shell of my dsi, as the blue is girly to me

(05-09-2011, 10:16 PM)Key Wrote: [ -> ]thanked, but unthanked just because chaoticyoshi thanked it
Same here.