Hello !
I'm new to this great awesome paradise of sprites !
I always write in bold, if that's a problem I'll stop.
Just tell me Ok ?
Thanks for all ^^
Yeah, I'd love it for you to stop typing in bold. Bold it used to make a point, it's like typing in all caps.
I warn people who type in all caps. Just a friendly reminder.
Ok I'll stop....
Thanks for the welcoming....
Oh !
I almost forgot where can I get help in making a game ?
Actually I'm writing an article on how to get into game making as a hobby. I'll pm you the link later.
Thank u ^^
I'll see it later Right now I'm working on the royal family sprites.
See you !
Can I have it too, Oh and welcome.
I'll post it, I have a feeling a few people want to know. I'll have it together sometime later tonight.
Thanks, If you do, give me the link.
Sure thing ^^
It's kind of hard do that Zelda has too much Pink >

I hate Pink !
Well I'll post it in the Submission later Ok dude ?
See you ! ^^