Major update on Count Dovula's sheet, I've also added an unused portrait for the Lord of the Jewels.
Drakonis is ready, Hitodama and the Mana Goddess are the last bosses I will rip.
@TomGuycott: Isn't there a palette for Giga Rex (mini-boss version of a Tyrranos when you're with Capelle and Diddle in the Chobin Hood Cave)? I was surprised when I searched for the palette in the VRAM, I couldn't find anything.
You guys are doing fantastic on this project, it's so awesome to see TomGuycott ripping again.
Davias, please tell me you actually fucking CHECKED that the friendly character were duplicates? Because I can't see some of the ones I deleted on your new sheet. I've left a few up that aren't on there from what I can tell, like dudbear, Gilbert, Rubens and Moti...
Because if you didn't, I can tell you now I am going to be incredibly fucking angry.
edit: Just noticed that they're on the common NPcs page. Sorry about that!
Loving the new rips
Looks good so far, there isn't much left of the game. Next ones are the mentioned bosses + organizing enemies/pets.
Dazz, can you put the Windcallers into the enemy section? They are Akravator's dragoons and fighting you on the way to their master.
(06-20-2011, 11:28 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]@TomGuycott: Isn't there a palette for Giga Rex (mini-boss version of a Tyrranos when you're with Capelle and Diddle in the Chobin Hood Cave)? I was surprised when I searched for the palette in the VRAM, I couldn't find anything.
Nope, no extra palette. That boss is a cop-out that just uses the Pet palette instead of the enemy palette.