CoolYoshi suggested I put these here, so I will. My first custom spritesheet. WIP.
Anyways, they're SSB-styled sprites of a 1-Up Mushroom. It's my own custom style.
I'm still working out a few details on the shading, and I know the cap is pillowed. I have quite a few test sprites out, so please pick which ones I should use!
Please give me some C+C for this.
that's pretty good!
The ideas are cool, but it lacks a side B attack
Nice effort Shroob 2, it needs some fixing,
1. Make the sprite a bit rounder
2. Get rid of the flat shading, make it curve up
3. On the head, it is a bit pillowed, try to make it as if a circle, and make it smoother.
4. True to shift hues, and don't stick to the same hue of the color, and make it greyish or whatever, but make it unique.
5. The animations look kind of weird, fix the sizing it looks king of choppy.
Well that's about it, you've got a good start, but just needs a little prespective to it =)
And also use to upload your images, thumbnails are bad, they take up file space.
1. Will do!
2. It's curving up, but... it really isn't that noticable. I'll work on it.
3. I'm working on the shading.
4. Again, working on the shading. But I'll still remember that advice. Thanks!
5. I know, the whole stretchy thing. It's a placeholder for now. I'm working on better ones.
Pillowshaded, kinda bad colors, poor and lazy animations, contradicting shading, blocky.
And kinda a bad character idea, if you ask me.
funny choice for a character. i like it.

(08-10-2008, 04:30 PM)gorsal Wrote: [ -> ]Pillowshaded, kinda bad colors, poor and lazy animations, contradicting shading, blocky.
And kinda a bad character idea, if you ask me.
(08-10-2008, 04:42 PM)Marioman20 Wrote: [ -> ]funny choice for a character. i like it. 
gorsal: CoolYoshi already told me about that stuff. Shading, Blocky, I'm working on it. And the character idea? not trying to sound arrogant, but if you don't like it, don't use it.
Marioman: Compared to all of the other stupid and hilarious SSB characters out there (Barney, Cheezburger, LOLcat, etc.), this one is pretty normal.
anyways, I'm about done with the new version of the sprite. It'll also include different pallettes so I don't have to hear about this one.
Got it! New version is up.
I added some extra pallettes and sorted it a little better. It's only up early because the URL thing wasn't working.
Side B and a few of the smashes will be up by tonight/early tommorow.
(08-10-2008, 05:36 PM)Shroob2 Wrote: [ -> ]Got it! New version is up.
I added some extra pallettes and sorted it a little better. It's only up early because the URL thing wasn't working.
Side B and a few of the smashes will be up by tonight/early tommorow.
You added more poses but the shading is still flat, you need to fix the things that we pointed out.
I did. Are you talking about the new version? It's in the bottom left corner. I only made 1 sprite of it to get some C+C before I make the other sprites like it.
(08-10-2008, 08:04 PM)Shroob2 Wrote: [ -> ]I did. Are you talking about the new version? It's in the bottom left corner. I only made 1 sprite of it to get some C+C before I make the other sprites like it.
You made it worse XD im saying make the shading rounder, it looks really flat.
This is why I didn't turn every sprite into that one. XP
(08-10-2008, 04:49 PM)Shroob2 Wrote: [ -> ]gorsal: CoolYoshi already told me about that stuff. Shading, Blocky, I'm working on it. And the character idea? not trying to sound arrogant, but if you don't like it, don't use it.
Marioman: Compared to all of the other stupid and hilarious SSB characters out there (Barney, Cheezburger, LOLcat, etc.), this one is pretty normal.
Sorry if I sounded offensive, but it's just my opinion... sorry. And I don't plan on using them, so no problems. Also, I'll have to agree with the LOLcat and the Barney one. These are really bad.