Wow, good luck with that buddy... I remember thinking of ripping the sprites one day, then remember my patience is as long as a piece of string.
Got the rest up, all amazing work. Nice stuff

Thanks, but I've already gave up on the rest of the sprites:
It would take the rest of my life to get all of Grandia's sprites, I don't have the mad programming skills to write tools to dump complete games. Maybe Barubary will consider it to do this game in the future, but my patience with VRAM and these sprites is as long as yours xD
(07-31-2011, 07:57 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, but I've already gave up on the rest of the sprites:
It would take the rest of my life to get all of Grandia's sprites, I don't have the mad programming skills to write tools to dump complete games. Maybe Barubary will consider it to do this game in the future, but my patience with VRAM and these sprites is as long as yours xD
Unfortunately, the sprites themselves are compressed (the palettes don't seem to be). Hence it may take quite a while before (if ever) I get around to it. =/