and i finally found out how to flip them without messing up the textures!
Thank u so much for these models
you should check out the thread on "what are you doing with your ripped models" lots of ideas thar.
so anyway are there any secret models in Dissidia Duodecium like there was in the first Dissidia?
u know like unused models...left over data from Crisis Core and what not?
There is a tonberry model.
And an Aerith model left over from crisis core.
I believe the tonberry is a secret little exclusive they didn't put in the game.
I would like to see the Tonberry if you ever happen to consider it (not a request, it would just be cool).

it's on the main page. the ton berry we're talking about is on the dissidia page.
Is pinocchio from kh available anywhere? i don't need rigs, just the model
You just bumped an almost a year old topic in order to request a model. Do you realize that both of these actions are against our rules? I'd appreciate it if you took the time to read them. Thank you.