Okay, okay. I dumped my ISO of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, and I've got all the stuff in the game, rigging from the game, maps and what not.
Same with Duodecim..
I'm thinking about organization and how it might be an issue,
Yes, that was a terrible joke no one will get ;-;
so I'm posting this here to probably post links to big fat rars with the models in them so that me and maybe some other people can work on making icons and stuff like what you guys did for BBS. :0
All I've got right now is the stuff in the Dissidia Duodecim thread and.. here's rigged high poly Sora. Only SMD for now, because Noesis doesn't do 2 at a time and I was in a hurry.
(Maybe I should just do a batch process)
... That was a really bad pun. ;3;
Pretty sweet rips, but is their right side supposed to have incomplete rigs?
![[Image: sora2u.png]](http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/7007/sora2u.png)
If I recall, the Noesis plugin for the KH models has always had minor issues. Its nice that it gets any rigging though honestly since the other method sure didn't let you export it.
We do already have that Sora up on the site by the way. Tron Sora would be neat to see though since the Tron stuff never seemed to load up right in the old viewer with a few minor exceptions.
Actually, you've got the weird high-poly models on the site.
These are better.
The head is scaled properly, some people are nit-picky about that kind of stuff.
Plus, there's only Riku on the site for KH1. Just separate those folders, Crett, and KH1 one would be pretty good.
I know, but this Sora already has rigging from the game, for nubs like me who can't rig.
And the plugin works perfect for me (Except for maps), all my models ripped so far have perfect rigging.
I've got all the Organization perfectly, rigging, transparency, the only problem is some of the uvs on their cloaks are backwards.
I'm getting pretty much every model, like Duodecim, but it's probably going to end up being a big fat bulk folder for each one that we're gonna have to sort through.
Yeah, Final Mix models are all.. optimized.
I've got a bunch of KH1 models here, too.
I dunno about the incomplete rigging, I don't remember ripping that Sora.
Quote:I dunno about the incomplete rigging, I don't remember ripping that Sora.
This was the one you ripped, the one on the left above. The one on the right is the one on the site currently.
The fingers on your rip's right hand are weird.
Fair enough, I'll replace it. I've got no qualms replacing things so long as there's a legitimate reason. Scaling's a fairly good reason in my book.
Edit: .obj files need to be added though before I put them up. Also make sure to note whether or not its the high poly cutscene version in the icon for simplicity's sake.
(07-06-2011, 10:09 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]If I recall, the Noesis plugin for the KH models has always had minor issues. Its nice that it gets any rigging though honestly since the other method sure didn't let you export it.
We do already have that Sora up on the site by the way. Tron Sora would be neat to see though since the Tron stuff never seemed to load up right in the old viewer with a few minor exceptions.
i recently got a hold of a lot of Tron Legacy models...but i did'nt rip them though... i'm gona try to contact the guy and see if he'll submit them to TMR the tron sora model has built in lighting right? or is it a glowy thing?
great job with the KH models
HELL YES! BTW are these from KH1 ,KH:FM ,kh:recom ,kh2,kh2:FM+ ,kh:bbs ,or kh

... 364/3? Uh.. add the 1 from 3 to 364 = 365, subtract 7 from 365 = ... You mean 358/2?
They're from KH2 Final Mix. The KH1 Sora was from a cutscene in Halloween town.
Tron Sora is shadeless like the rest of the character models. At least, I think so.
well thats good that it's not like the tron models i've gotten, i had to recolor them to give them the glowing circutry
final mix is the best....is KH1 harder to rip from though? i rarely ever see stuff from it. level's like Deep Jungle never appear or get mentioned in any other game so cool stuff like sabor just fade into obscurity.....seriously KH will be 10 years old soon!
anyway good luck on the models
Sorry that I'm taking so long with this, I'm uploading every KH2 FM model I got (excluding maps) in case anyone wants to help me organize it for the models resource.
The link is up, but it's 600 (about 3 and a half gigs when unzipped =3=) mb, so make some room. ;0
By the way, I don't think anyone knows this, but what the heck are .fm files?
I know they aren't animation files, and I can't find a way to view them, so I have no idea what they are.
Delete them if you don't think they're necessary.
Duodecim will be coming in a similar fashion a while after I finish up KH2.
These are beautiful, thank you Crett
Ditto what GrimJeel said. Just to point out a few things though, the model you forgot the name of was hooded Riku in his organization clothes. Also, Roxas's regular model is missing a DL. If I see anything else I'll point it out, but that's it for now. Great job.