Look at 'em go
(notes about the style: Each character is supposed to fit in dimensions which are multiples of 8, but may be 1 pixel short in one dimension (not both). Palette is universal, so Link's green will be Yoshi's green and everyone else's green etc. Icons are all 16x16 (no exceptions) and use the same two greys)
this was a personal project I actually started a looong time ago but lost motivation to do. Recently started back up and am planning to do ALL of the Smashers, including Brawlers, Melee dropouts, and the forbidden 7. Who knows how far I'll actually get. :s
Colors seem nice. Good job at making the characters recognizable at that size.
Very Nice, XG. ^^
You did an excellent job with the visibility at such a small size limit.
I have no idea who that mystery character is...could it be Ganondorf?...King Dedede? Ooooh, its on the tip of my tongue. 
Thankies :>
(08-11-2008, 12:41 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ](Also, [i]I have no idea who that mystery character is...could it be Ganondorf?
Dang, how did you know?
but srsly, update
Looks like Cpt. Falcon to me...
Otherwise really good job, Links head looks strange but hey, it must be really hard to work at this small size. But they all look like who they are alot, but I think kirby needs a bigger body but thats just me
i like the style. keep up the good work.
and i like the little sneek peak's. get's me excited to see what you're about to release.

Fox's leg look like it's going to do a kick.
Who are the forbidden 7?
(Yush, me noob is.)
Thankies again :>
(08-11-2008, 02:26 PM)Ultimatedude Wrote: [ -> ]Otherwise really good job, Links head looks strange but hey, it must be really hard to work at this small size. But they all look like who they are alot, but I think kirby needs a bigger body but thats just me
heh, I've never been too good with faces, small or large. I may try to fix it later. I thought Kirby looked small too, but if I go bigger he'd be 24x24 (Mario's size), which I think would be way too big. :s
(08-11-2008, 02:31 PM)Ahruon the archer Wrote: [ -> ]Fox's leg look like it's going to do a kick.
I don't see it. :v But if it really looks bad I might try to fix it after a while.
(08-11-2008, 02:44 PM)KillerAslox Wrote: [ -> ]Who are the forbidden 7?
(Yush, me noob is.)
Characters who were apparently found partially programmed in Brawl. They include Dixie Kong, Dr. Mario, Roy, Mewtwo, Pra Mai (assumed by some to be Plusle/Minun a la Ice Climbers), Toon Zelda, and Toon Sheik.
I figure Toon Sheik woulda been Tetra. Even if it didn't say that, it only makes sense. But anymore Toon characters and I woulda gone insane. One is fine.
Nice stuff ya got there man! I really dig the Mario Bros. and DK.
Heh, thanks. If I do ever get that far I'll probably do Tetra instead of toon-ifying Sheik.
who are Pra Mai? I had heard about Plusle and Minun, but its not them?
and for mele dropouts, doesnt that include Meowth? I had heard he was intended for mele
It's asumed to be Plusle and Minun because it's the first three letters of the Japanese names. Prasle and Mainun
(08-11-2008, 06:07 PM)2ndLtHavoc Wrote: [ -> ]and for mele dropouts, doesnt that include Meowth? I had heard he was intended for mele
Well, by Melee dropout I was referring to characters that didn't carry over to Brawl, (i.e., Dr. Mario, Young Link, Pichu, Mewtwo, Roy) but I guess i could maybe do cut Melee character if I ever get to them..