isnt like we have to deal with bad things dont we, why wait for theold thread when we cansimply make a new one.
although its one of the few times when i actually post in the bad thread.
i'm just going to complain that the goldfish is still gulping for air despite his clean tank. it stills smells a bit and his eyes are still bulging, so eh.
I'm really sorry that you had to read the trash in the Rankings thread Chris. I have no problems with how you set up TUGS and you've been so wonderful and patient with everything and I wanna say I feel for you and TUGS is still gonna rock.

I just woke up.
It's almost 2PM.
Suddenly TSR seems like a much less welcoming place. at least to me and my friends here.
Protip: don't make x-ism threads
Problem solved
woke up today, still not a mod. not cool.
My day was great.
I turned my computer on.
Shit hit the fan here while I was having a great day.
I'm fucking fed up with running a community when all I want to do is run a sprite website.
So stop running a community.
then close the community or hire mods you can actually trust? (nudge nudge wink wink)
it's not exactly like TSR is gigantic or anything so either way there would be no massive loss; the people on the negative side of the debate are going to galloway, most of us are friends with tyvon and will probably stop posting here eventually as we move to pixelxcore
No way I can't lose this place.

I'm having a shit day today BECAUSE the sun won't fucking shine and it's supposed to be SUMMER.
In that case, forget being a mod
This is just going to be another Pixeltendo, won't it?
(as in, we all decide to slowly migrate over to another forum and let this one die)
if so then

(07-18-2011, 05:17 PM)MRSKELETON Wrote: [ -> ]most of us are friends with tyvon and will probably stop posting here eventually as we move to pixelxcore
That's... sort of an awkward/negative way to put it, I think. It sort of makes PxC sound like a "personal forum" like PT and its many knockoffs, when it isn't.