I really really really want one of those replica watches they were giving away with pre-orders of 999 way back when. But I cannot find one online anywhere.
oh first-world problems
My friend came back from the military for the holidays and promised we'd hang out, play video games, go to a bar, and see the Muppets.
None of those things happened, he was too busy with his other friends...
I've realized I can be quite obnoxious in social situations. Lets let that self confidence plummet again, and while we're at it, lets do something stupid and think about telling your ex you miss her when you know things won't work out. Stop it, stop it stop it. I'm sick of this. I just want my hair to grow back, I'm fucking sick of the fact that we've gotten nowhere with my musical project because I'm pretty sure my friends involved think it's a joke; my guitarist purposely tries to make things sound like shit, and assumes I want it to sound like shit because I said we probably won't be very good.
EDIT: Also it fucking enrages me that my favorite game for online: Battlefield 3, has become another Call of Duty due to the fucking people who play it now. Hey lets throw out all sense of teamwork and ACTUALLY defending objectives, I just want to run around and shoot my gun as much as I can. Nice, just fucking great.
(12-31-2011, 02:16 AM)Argyle Bastard Wrote: [ -> ]Also it fucking enrages me that my favorite game for online: Battlefield 3, has become another Call of Duty due to the fucking people who play it now. Hey lets throw out all sense of teamwork and ACTUALLY defending objectives, I just want to run around and shoot my gun as much as I can. Nice, just fucking great.
This means it's time you got yourself a niche in a community for it if you really want to do that.
GREAT, the netbook's power cord is broken.
But not completely broken, oh no. It has to be positioned perfectly still with the end of the cable tilted at a certian angle, to keep supplying power.
Ugh, what a bother.
(12-31-2011, 01:39 PM)Proton Wrote: [ -> ] (12-31-2011, 02:16 AM)Argyle Bastard Wrote: [ -> ]Also it fucking enrages me that my favorite game for online: Battlefield 3, has become another Call of Duty due to the fucking people who play it now. Hey lets throw out all sense of teamwork and ACTUALLY defending objectives, I just want to run around and shoot my gun as much as I can. Nice, just fucking great.
This means it's time you got yourself a niche in a community for it if you really want to do that.
The funny thing is that as I put that up, a friend told me that he got it for the 360 and now I have a squad of friends to offput the CoD players B)
Only a few hours away from what will probably be another year of misery and despair.
It's kind of a weird feeling
this is one of those days that you expect to be happy and fun
Yet you're miserable
Is this why people drink
Have a bunch of people over for New Years at my house, and I feel like everyone's bored out of their fucking minds. Everyone left for soda and said they'll be back, and I know the guys will, as we're hanging out all night, but I feel like the others were to bored and are getting out of here. It makes you feel like shit because I didn't want to be the guy making people do stuff, and I have things to do out, but no one just wants to do anything

New Year's sucked
just very disappointed
we went to some party thing downtown and we stood outside in the cold for two hours
worth it? no
also my brother was being a shitlord and sent me stupid text messages so i told him i hated him and then got yelled at cause he told my parents
I attempted to have a get together with some friends for New Years. Bonfire, fireworks, that kind of jizz. Unfortunately, not alot of people showed up, some who did show up left because not aslot of people came. Also closest friend decided to leave because her and an one of my ex's who I invited that I still have a thing for don't exacttly get along too well. And it turns out said ex as a boyfriend. But, Crown and Dr Pepper is a God send whenever your alone after a subpar New Years party.
It's nice starting the new year sick and being fully unable to breathe through my nose.
I woke up feeling even more stressed than usual.
I'm so sick of having all of these bottled up feelings that I can't let out. It's unbearable.
Why is it that every time I go to bed before 5am I'll wake up at 5am no matter at what time I went to bed at.
This is so dumb, I have plans tomarrow and kinda need my sleep.