(01-05-2012, 04:30 PM)Devicho Wrote: [ -> ]Today at work I dropped something heavy on my foot instantly followed by resting my hand against a really hot surface when trying to regain my balance. I'm surprised I didn't then slip on a conveniently placed banana peel.
into a conveniently placed cream pie
Share my ENTIRE music library with friend, ask him if he can return the favor with his. His answer "No, I don't want to."
What the fuck? Way to be a rude prick. Shouldn't of shared my music with you. :L
my old high school's now officially closing.
It's fucking settled, the archdiocese of philly is evil and every single person who vouched for this mass-closing should burn in hell for their greed.
hahahahahaha oh god i just came to a horrible self-realization about my entire life, whoooooooo boy
I just found out my elementary school art teacher passed away on christmas.

I'm sad.
(01-06-2012, 08:06 PM)oB2Kojjiro Mario Wrote: [ -> ]WELP
my old high school's now officially closing.
It's fucking settled, the archdiocese of philly is evil and every single person who vouched for this mass-closing should burn in hell for their greed.
So I've gotten 2 and a half hours of sleep and I can not fall back asleep no matter how hard I try.
If I stay up then go back to bed when I get tired again, I'll wake up about 4-5pm
I get to meet Kosheh in less then 6 hours now.
Looks like I'm not going to be running on sleep.
sleep is overrated and shitty, you'll be fine
besides, it's just kosheh
I'm actually more excited then nervous at this point to meet Kosheh! I just don't want to be a zombie at him.
Fuck art school. I haven't sprited or drawn for my personal pleasure in a month.
I started messing around with the sprite I want to animate today.
I got three frames done.
So, at this rate it should take about 2 years to get the whole sheet done. Woooo~
Talking to my parents about my complications tonight. And possibly being admitted to a pyschward before I do something that gets me hurt. Oh boy this is gonna be fun let me tell you.
(01-07-2012, 09:03 AM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]Fuck art school. I haven't sprited or drawn for my personal pleasure in a month.
As much as that sucks, I'm very happy to see you posting again!

I need help. I made out with my best friend's sister. Oh god what was I thinking! What am I gonna do?
(01-08-2012, 04:04 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]What am I gonna do?
the sister