(01-08-2012, 04:04 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I need help. I made out with my best friend's sister. Oh god what was I thinking! What am I gonna do?
Listen, Harry. You're destined to marry Ginny anyways. Ron should not be a douche. He should be watchful, but not a douche.
I really just want to fucking
punch something, and I don't even know why.
Quote:I need help. I made out with my best friend's sister. Oh god what was I thinking! What am I gonna do?
You were thinking "If ever I was going to have a chance with someone... this is going to be it."
(01-08-2012, 06:50 PM)Gnostic WetFart Wrote: [ -> ]I really just want to fucking punch something, and I don't even know why.
Quote:I need help. I made out with my best friend's sister. Oh god what was I thinking! What am I gonna do?
You were thinking "If ever I was going to have a chance with someone... this is going to be it."
you're becoming a man now jason and men punch things
you can punch me jason I won't mind...
Basically slept through the first half of my physics class only to wake up to a pop quiz on my desk...
I've had a headache and a dull pain in my shoulder since I woke up this morning. I just want to go to sleep but it's too damn early.
i just lost one of my jobs.
So mom and dad I need to go to.a.doctor because I'm hearing vices.and.I'm depressed. "YOU'RE LYING SHUT TR FUCK UP AND DO YOUT SCHOOL WORK".
Is it any surprise why I hate you both? I needbhelp and you literally are denying me it.
Some of my friends...jesus fucking christ, I mean, for fucks sake.
(01-10-2012, 02:05 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]i just lost one of my jobs.
haha and i just had to wait an hour on a bus stop to get home
and the exact moment i get on the computer
my router fucking dies!
haha i'm so fucking pissy right now
third day of class
already lost
sometimes it's great being the dumbest person in the world

freaking hell
Forgot about a spanish assignment that's due tomorrow (luckily we'll get some time during class to do it)
also there's a quiz in biology tomorrow too that I'm not ready for and I'm just angry argh
Feeling pretty damn miserable.
i am so retardedly out of shape., Literally could not play 45mins of floor hockey without vomiting.
Been in a hell of a slump over the past week. All sorts of little things are just kinda building up and making me feel terrible. Between my stepdad and his mom I can't even feel all that comfortable in my own home. I always feel that around my stepdad anything I do could get me berated (And I already know he complains about me behind my back.) and in his mom's case, she's basically freeloading off of us. In exchange for her babysitting we are stuck feeding, sheltering, and generally providing for her, but she does a pretty awful job of babysitting and doesn't really help around the house otherwise. She makes lots of messes for us to clean up, though!
They also show a lot of really obvious favoritism. Stepdad really only cares about his mom and the baby (Because she is his only biological kid.) and his mom likewise only cares all that much about him and the baby. In fact when she came back to our house after Christmas, she brought a couple presents for my parents, like five toys for the baby, some candy for Heather... and nothing at all for Summer and I, not even a "Merry Christmas".