My sister is back together with her loser, luckily I have programming Gors' score graphics to occupy myself.
If I type a line of code every 10 minutes I might be done a little before he stops talking

my social circle seems to be dead
not that I feel like I have anything to talk to anyone about anyway
I never had a social circle...
Why do we never do anything. It's the same cycle every night. Lounge around, play or watch others playing MW3, maybe watch a movie, if we're feeling crazy that is, and go to bed. I want to go on fucking walks in town, and actually do something, but all I get in response is "I don't want to waste gas, and I'm tired".
I don't remember you guys caring when I drove ALL the fucking time.
I slept alright, but woke up at 7 this morning.
Still tired.
In my circle of friends we play magic, IIDX, fighting/and other games, watch old and terrible cartoons to make fun of them, eat at Dennys or taco bell, play go, use internet, and have a good time.
Now time for me to rant a bit.
Since my work has been giving me shit hours I've been depressed to the point were all the other depressing shit in my life comes to mind and makes shit worse. I almost broke down and cried infront of a friend today. He honestly would have tried to comfort me but I tend to hate myself badly when I cry, it has just kinda been like that since I was generally made fun of for how easily I do cry.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with crying, Kat.
If you cry easily, it just means you're more capable of emotion, which is something to be pleased about. I cry from time to time, and not just when I'm upset about something.
Feels good, man.
(02-05-2012, 08:07 AM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]There's absolutely nothing wrong with crying, Kat.
If you cry easily, it just means you're more capable of emotion, which is something to be pleased about. I cry from time to time, and not just when I'm upset about something.
Feels good, man.
I'm really sensitive too. Literally all it takes for me to start getting tears in my eyes is to start thinking hard enough about something sad, but there are times when I've broken down during happy occasions, such as when my aunt and cousins came for Christmas.
Well, it's time for the weekly brainwashing hour that I now have to undergo after telling my parents I'm an atheist.
(02-05-2012, 10:13 AM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ] (02-05-2012, 08:07 AM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]There's absolutely nothing wrong with crying, Kat.
If you cry easily, it just means you're more capable of emotion, which is something to be pleased about. I cry from time to time, and not just when I'm upset about something.
Feels good, man.
I'm really sensitive too. Literally all it takes for me to start getting tears in my eyes is to start thinking hard enough about something sad, but there are times when I've broken down during happy occasions, such as when my aunt and cousins came for Christmas.
I'm sorry to say this, MJ, but you have gotten dysentery while on the Oregon Trail. So far we are doing good though.
Wait, I lied; Gors was just bitten by a snake.
MJ just broke her leg and Vper has dysentery. Fuuuck....
Damn, MJ you are now deceased. I am sorry. I just can't stop loling...
Gors has a broken arm and typhoid. Bastard, you have just died from typhoid.
Aw shit, Gors you just died and now I have cholera...we all died.
EDIT: Okay, now are farmers...
Wagon tipped over; lost a wagon tongue and some bullets. Don't care though.
Kohseh has a fever....and has died
(02-05-2012, 08:07 AM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]There's absolutely nothing wrong with crying, Kat.
If you cry easily, it just means you're more capable of emotion, which is something to be pleased about. I cry from time to time, and not just when I'm upset about something.
Feels good, man.
No it isn't. Having how easily you cry being one of the 2 major reasons your ex breaks up with you and hacking being made fun of it for a good 10 years straight kinda makes you to never want to cry again.
(02-05-2012, 08:07 AM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]There's absolutely nothing wrong with crying, Kat.
If you cry easily, it just means you're more capable of emotion, which is something to be pleased about. I cry from time to time, and not just when I'm upset about something.
Feels good, man.
I wish I could cry more, I mean it's not like I'm a stone wall but I try to hold it in.
I cry sometimes before I go to sleep. Have to, just haveta let it out.
We are almost there.
Shit we just passed where I died before...WOOT!
Sengir has typhoid, but i think we can make it.
WE MADE IT!! 5046 points...
List of shit broken at this weeks party....
Glass lampshade
hanging door
arm rail
carpet from vomit
window shades
apparently a wooden bench was obliterated as in it's in more than 10 pieces.
Other things I don't wanna mention sue to the nature of them.
Well fuck thank God the kid's parents are gone till next Saturday. Time to pitch in all week to fix his house.
Atleast the party was amazing and a good note to go hiatus from parties with.
Not only are my sisters being really loud and obnoxious while playing the Wii in my room right next to me, but I can smell the fact that neither of them has showered for a while! Also my sister Heather is a goddamn retard and keeps doing stupid shit to the Wii. She's going to break the thing at this rate. Not to mention just kinda leaving the discs all over the floor; good thing there's no such thing as scratches that can keep a game from playing.