Having a terrible chest pain at this very moment and still having it, despite taking medicine that's supposed to help it.
This really feels bad and I don't know why I have to be having this... nothing is helping... why couldn't my arm or leg hurt instead?
Menthols are fucking disgusting. Staying the fuck away from those.
Silver lining: I've determined I could easily smoke and not let it get out of hand. Might not though, parents would beat me to a pulp if they found out. So far they know I have a pipe and smoke tobacco that way, I don't know, meh.
But yeah, fuck menthols, they're so nasty.
EDIT: Owee, my throats really agitated now :C
EDIT: Damn it, that disgusting aftertaste is STILL in my mouth! NEVER. AGAIN. am I smoking menthols.
8:00AM: "Time to work on x"
11:00PM: x is still sitting on the taskbar, unchanged.
Every. Single. Day.
It seems like every time I finally try to do homework early enough in the day, my family has to ruin it
My brother and my mom were arguing right outside my door. I had my volume on max and it still wasn't enough. Trying to keep from getting too angry or I'll get even more distracted.
Woke up feeling sick, Academics Councilor wasn't in his office earlier, although we're going to meet at 12 if he's out of his meeting, and my ride has to leave early, so my mom has to pick me up, which isn't really a bad thing, but she has to waste gas now

'Holidays' are going to be full of Credit Math Papers, Credit/Int2/Higher Graphic Communication Papers and Geography.
Absoloutley Perfect!
welp i just cut my finger while taking a shower
my hair did it i think my hair is secretly knives
Razor hair? Are you anime?
My brother and I had plans to go to the Emerald City Comicon today... and he still hasn't shown up to pick me up and drive down there. And he isn't answering his phone. So now I'm both worried about him and worried about actually getting to see all of the things I wanted to at the con.
Wait how do you not like menthols Dylan? They're pretty boss, unless you bought some cheap ass brand.
Anyway, friends acted like total assholes last night, and now wanna hang out again tonight. I think I"m just gonna sit home or see if any of my friends that are in college are on spring break yet...
No my friend bought Marlboro Black Menthols, they just leave a disgusting aftertaste in my mouth, and my hand smelled like my grandma who smoked menthols hand for hours, ekkk.
I bought a pack of Marlboro Reds last night, those are my favorite so fart.
You know, I caught myself and noticed I typed fart instead of far, but I'm just gonna leave it.
(03-31-2012, 04:07 AM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ]welp i just cut my finger while taking a shower
my hair did it i think my hair is secretly knives
what did you expect sonikku
There are things I've been meaning to do for like, 2 weeks, that I still have not gotten around to doing.
Can't tell if unmotivated...
...Or just lazy.
Last day to withdraw from classes and I need to withdraw from one class, only to find out my academic advisor has an advisor hold on me for no reason, and he's left by now, so unless offices can go over that, I'm fucking stuck with a class I really need to withdraw from.
Why does this shit always happen to me?
Jesus christ are my siblings the most spoiled fucks.