My baby sister never takes naps until it's too late for me to do whatever I wanted/needed to do (In today's case, I'd really like to go get some things to add to dinner since there's a market very close to home.) and I can't even ask any of my sisters for help watching her because Heather is constantly out having fun with her friends and Summer gets to sleep in until 5pm.
If I could punch a 6 year old, he would be the one I'd punch.
so our oven broke and microwave cant cook properly without burning stuff
and guess who bought food that only cooks in an oven???
History class is cancelled today without any notice. The class is two hours long, BUT
It's 45-minute drive back to my house and an hour to anywhere else (my house is 15 minutes from civilization as it is)
haha lol fuck
Reminds me of the time I risked my ass getting across the most icey foot bridge in the history of ever to get to a lecture only to be told the lecturer had slipped and sprained their wrist.
They can text me when a Buddhism class I wasn't even signed up for is cancelled but not that...
I'm just so goddamned stressed because of family. Seeing as I'd like some money, I work every single day that I don't babysit (some days even working double shifts) because otherwise I'll be lucky to bring home $200... Effectively, I don't get any days off to just relax outside of freak occurances.
Stress is obviously getting to me, too. Lately it's taken so little irl to piss me the fuck off, and I've been feeling physically unwell, dreading getting out of bed in the morning... My sisters seem to think that's fucking hilarious, too.
My mind won't stop telling my reasons I should kill myself and I can't sleep.
Are there pills for this?
Been there, I went through a phase where I would lay awake for hours contemplating my pathetic existence.
I eventually got better thanks to keeping myself busy. I found out that I am emotionally unstable at times.
Being a teenager I discovered how pointless life is a few years a go. However I decided that there's even less of a point in caring about it. As if killing yourself is gonna solve any problems, if anything it's gonna create them.
Life doesn't need a point, anyway. It's here, you've got it, may as well use it as best you can.
I have to go back to work tomorrow. Having three days off to do whatever I wanted was great, kinda sad it's over.
So we were waiting until everyone was moved out of our old house to get our cat over to our apartment, since my stepdad was going to stay there until he got his own apartment/the lease expired and could thus take care of him there. At some point more than a week ago, though, the cat got outside and went missing, and there's been no trace of him since. At this point, I don't know if I'll ever see my cat again...
Went to hospital on Monday, they essentially didn't listen to me and wrote me off as having acid reflux.
The medicine they gave me for that isn't working, my stomach still hates, and welp, I should probably contact a real doctor.
I just finished OoT3D.
They really runied the final battle for me by making it brighter.
Remember how in the original game, Ganon was obscured like this:
...Most of the time, and brief lightning flashes would illuminate him?
Well, they changed that.
(06-30-2012, 04:11 AM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ]I just finished OoT3D.
They really runied the final battle for me by making it brighter.
You know a game's good when people moan about super trivial things

I would say that aesthetics aren't exactly trivial since they're what sets the tone for literally the entire game.