(07-21-2012, 04:24 AM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ] (07-20-2012, 06:02 PM)Devicho Wrote: [ -> ]Oh my fucking GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH CHILDREN first my baby sister breaks my fucking Wii and now I leave her alone for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES and she pops every other key off my keyboard, did something to my tablet and now it hardly registers jack shit, and I can't even pop all the keys back on because the plastic hinges on five of the keys are messed up and are the biggest pain in the fuck to fix.
If I ever wind up pregnant somehow I'm cutting my stomach open.
So... who's chipping in for a joke pregnancy test that always says positive?
You know I don't entirely kid around when I say things like that.
scraped my wrist :C
I was freaking out.
It sure would be nice if I could get a good night's sleep for once but NOPE.
You know Devicho I always knew you had to baby proof your valuables otherwise... say goodbye to nice things.
Still no matter how frustrating and difficult it is to raise children, I still want them.
Had a great weekend, but I returned very sick, ugh. I hope I get better after a good night of sleep and it's nothing serious.
I got specifically targeted for sexual harassment ("Go suck a cock, whore.") today at work because I happened to pick up the phone for a prank caller who found out my name because our standard greeting for phone calls ends with "This is ____, how may I help you?"
You know, crank callers can go suck it. I am GLAD my phone has a caller ID equipped, so if it's an unknown number, I don't answer it. I was thinking you should get one to prevent shit like this again.
It was via the work phones, not my own phone, so I had to pick it up. I already don't answer calls on my cell unless I know who it is or was expecting a call anyway.
At least you gave him your name. For about a week at my job some guy kept calling and asking specifically to speak to me (which is weird because I had just started a few weeks earlier at the time and didn't really know any of the customers also we don't wear any name tags or anything....) he always asked what I was wearing and if I was looking for a good time, as well as if I wanted to have fun with him. I was actually afraid to walk home from work because of this and either a co-worker or my boss drove me home for a while. It was made worse when we saw this weird guy standing outside one day, he never entered the store but I did get a phone call that day. The next day he stood in line to order something, and as the customer before him was ordering he walked out.... he's never been back since. So Devi, I know how it is, and it's shit. At least your's was a prank caller and not some actual pervert.
Back on topic, I'm depressed because I found a middle school journal of mine detailing my early stages of anorexia. I did not want to find this.
May I burn that journal, or cause it to explode? (I'm being dead serious about this)

I really sometimes just wish that I was dead. I fucking can't stand my family. I cannot stand them I canFUCKING not stand to even look at them sometimes how have I not slammed a knife into myself already haha
"Pretty sure a huge part of this violent depression is being woken up way too early by that thunder storm. I'll just take a twenty minute nap to take the edge off."
Twenty minutes = Three hours, right?
Not feeling to good, and I got in trouble today because I let a friends' girlfriend sleep over last night, got this entire lecture from my mom about it. :L
I have a feeling you drowned ut the lecture.