I just got a better compresser yesterday so I'm good until I find another program.
Quote:That feel when someone calls you ignorant for thinking evil is real.
I'm sick to death of people making excuse after excuse for people who are truly wicked. They're either confused, or mentally ill, or just magically not to blame.
That sort of thinking makes me fucking sick.
And i'm sick to death of "ignorant" people like you just reducing the matter to something as idiotically binary as "good" and "evil" when neither concept is self-sufficient or acceptable when taken within a causative context.
Look: its as simple as this. People do things for
reasons; every single thing every single person does is
because of a reason, because something made them that way, and their actions are a result of everything prior. Man is defined by his biology and by the events of his life, and doing things to hurt other people and to hurt themself to the degree that many would call "evil" is
not intrinsic to human nature or standard human action, which means that
there is going to be some other kind of factor at work here. It could be an unconscious factor, or a conscious factor; in either case it doesn't matter.
Pointing to a cause is
not the same thing as suggesting that one isn't to blame. Not even close.
placeholder post for when i ultimately fail the written portion of my driver's test
(07-27-2012, 09:57 AM)PrettyNier Wrote: [ -> ]reducing the matter to something as idiotically binary as "good" and "evil"
That's not what I meant. I'm not saying otherwise decent people can't be tainted by negative experiences or anything like that.
I was talking about the certian few people in this world who are hateful and cruel
regardless of their experiences. People who are undeniably evil are incredibly rare but I do believe they exist.
That doesn't make me ignorant.
(07-27-2012, 01:45 PM)Rλy Wrote: [ -> ] (07-27-2012, 09:57 AM)PrettyNier Wrote: [ -> ]reducing the matter to something as idiotically binary as "good" and "evil"
That's not what I meant. I'm not saying otherwise decent people can't be tainted by negative experiences or anything like that.
I was talking about the certian few people in this world who are hateful and cruel regardless of their experiences. People who are undeniably evil are incredibly rare but I do believe they exist.
That doesn't make me ignorant.
If those people have evil personalities no matter what they do, then they don't even need excuses to be made for their actions because how they act would be completely out of their control. If those people do in fact exist, instead of feeling so angry towards them you should feel nothing but pity.
Went to pick up my paycheck, expecting a minimum of $150, only got one for $82....
Kind of fucking mad because I know I worked more than 8 hours in the past two weeks.
Send in an appeal, or just plain out walk in to the office of your higher up yelling & cussing.
(07-27-2012, 03:09 PM)Harley Quinn Wrote: [ -> ]Went to pick up my paycheck, expecting a minimum of $150, only got one for $82....
Kind of fucking mad because I know I worked more than 8 hours in the past two weeks.
I never got how people screw up hours so much. It happens all the time and it's so damn annoying.
Difficult people are... difficult. Which sucks.

(07-27-2012, 12:57 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ]placeholder post for when i ultimately fail the written portion of my driver's test
the prophecy has been fulfilled
(07-27-2012, 06:30 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ] (07-27-2012, 12:57 PM)Sonikku Wrote: [ -> ]placeholder post for when i ultimately fail the written portion of my driver's test
the prophecy has been fulfilled
I'm probably going to fail mine next year...
Bishamon's appearing animation is really lame.
+ There's a moth trapped in my light-shade (it's like a oriental paper ball thing) and it's really annoying...
(07-27-2012, 07:11 PM)Shadow Kami Wrote: [ -> ]Mouth or Moth?
And I think that is a good a indicator that it's time for me to hit the hay...
One of the most soul crushing things I've come to realise is that there are some things I will, with almost 100% certainty, never, ever stop feeling upset about.