So I had a common side affect with a shot today that almost made me pass out and my computer died again with the same problem. Goodbye motherboard.
your computer died of a shot side effect?
Yes, yes it did. u_u
Actually it died not that long ago, I fixed the problem, and apparently it isn't a bad video card because it died again the same way as it did a week ago.
Hey, fuck sleeping, who needs to do that?
what the fuck really
you just about get over someone and then you have an incredibly vivid dream about patching things up with them?
God damn, sometimes it's like my grandmother wants me to be miserable.
Face raiders thought I was a boy...
6-7 years of college is a huge commitment for something you can't be sure you'd like or be any good at...
it scares the crap out of me
(08-17-2011, 02:13 PM)Tachikoma Wrote: [ -> ]Not cleaning your hair won't make it fall out. See a fucking doctor.
Yeah we plan on it since I haven't been to a doctor in many years, but it won't be until next week because of things happening like always and Mommy has to leave tomorrow (works on weekends, but she wants to find someone to take her place so she can be here for my birthday as it is on Sunday this year conveniently). Mommy said she wants to take me to the emergency room so that all the tests are done at once. Here's why. I'll start from the beginning. (Warning incoming text wall)
When I was born I had something wrong (they told me it was reflux, but IDK if that was all or not) and I couldn't breathe so they had to have me on a strap in my crib and I was a sick baby they told me. That's all I really know.
Now all my life as far back as I can remember, I'd rarely/occasionally get sudden sharp pains in my chest that occur in different areas and restrict a lot of my breathing, but they generally only last a few seconds. However not until recently had I told anyone about them (but I know I should have, that's like 9/10 years there) because I figured it was no big deal.
So the other day, on Tuesday I got another chest pain and it was kinda bad. It stopped and then a little later, I come to realize that it doesn't seem like I can breathe all the way in like I should. There's a tightness/restriction that makes it slightly uncomfortable to take deep breaths. Only once every few normal breaths can I take a "completely full" breathe. So I told Aunt Dawn and Mom about it and Mom told Mommy about it later that evening when she was on her way over here. She checked my heartbeat with her stethoscope (that was yellow and looked like a toy), then took my blood pressure and said my pressure was perfect, but that my heartbeat was irregular (wow go figure). She said that I could have some thyroid issue or... I could have something that starts with an A (don't remember) and Mom said "that could be something you flush down a commode for all I know!" and we laughed. Or it could be whatever problem I had when I was a baby is still there. I can breathe just fine, just can't all the way in comfortably. So when I got home Mom gave me a baby aspirin before I went to bed. Now last night after I had gotten a good night's sleep she checked my heart again and said it sounded much better, but when I took a deep breath that my heart speeds up irregularly or something. She said that when you don't get proper rest and keep getting interrupted (as you might know I have to call every night I'm here so I don't sleep through the night unless I'm home), that would be part of the problem. I have to admit I am
slightly more relaxed at home, and the full sleep feels really good.
So, yeah. I had always thought I was in 100% perfect health/condition to this day but apparently not!

Locked out of my student email and I need to confirm my attendance by the morning. SWELL TIME TO LOCK ME OUT.
(08-18-2011, 08:58 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ][post]
That sounds awful

I hope you get everything sorted out.
I'm feeling ill yet again this morning. I don't feel like eating anything and I got about an hour of sleep last night.
Why does this keep happening?
I just don't want to sleep tonight.
Steam is taking to long to install.
My girlfriend has to go with her family to Iowa to visit her aunt for some Family reunion, so no telling her how I feel on LAAAAAAKE day. :C
But we're going to go out this weekend and I can tell her then...with my new glasses and purple mohawk :8 oh yeeahh!
My phone is a stupid piece of shit that suddenly lost the ability to send or receive pictures lol!!