My mom told me i'm turning into exactly what she hoped her son wouldn't be.
It didn't hurt somehow. It just made me realize how much I don't fit in with my family even more.
I can think of a bunch of soundbites to cover the situation;
It's better to be the person you want than the person they want.
It's better to be happily hated than miserably loved.
Learn to love yourself enough for everyone.
Don't let anyone read you your biography before you've written it.
And so on and so forth, but basically the important thing is that you need to be the one in control of your life, never give up your conviction just because people put you down for it.
Even if they love you their decisions are flawed, they can only tell you what they think is "right", not what will make you happy, and I can tell you first hand that sometimes you have to do some stupid things to be happy, or even just to work out what would make you happy.
Of course, it's a damn sight easier for me to sit here and say that than for you to follow through with it, but I'm sure the other freaks and weirdos around here will back me up in saying that life is more interesting when you're as strange as you want to be.
the previous religious debate depressed me :,(
Dad, please shut the fuck up about college. We can't even afford a community college. Seriously, shut your face.
Also; stop talking about community college like it's the great solution to higher education for poor people. You went there, accumulated the massive student debt I'm refusing to accumulate, and you still ended up working minimum wage at wal-mart for six years. Seriously, you have no fucking clue.
random sneezing for 5 minutes at a time + stomach aches constantly + dizzy semi-constantly
im either getting sick or dying
Stayed up too late last night, after DSU Live ended, I went up to my room and watched Auction Hunters (one of the coolest shows ever) till about 12

0 and didn't go to bed until 1

0. THEN my room mate came into the room about 2

0 from his job and proceeded to watch tv for an hour. Needless to say, I'm fucking tired, I'm in Algebra right now and I've got 3 more classes today. TIRED
A little nervous about this job interview. I'm very happy to finally get a call from somebody; I just hope it goes well.

I can't believe I'm in an argument about the word "slut" and why it is bad and should be destroyed.
I just caught a shiny bidoof
wait, am I in the right thread ?
I gotta start applying for colleges soon and I'm freaking out. Anxiety is fun guys, so so fun. Augh. Ihope to God I get into a college....
(08-31-2011, 04:42 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]I can't believe I'm in an argument about the word "slut" and why it is bad and should be destroyed.
Sounds like something I'd get mixed up in ho ho
I just want to pull out my PS3 and start playing games but it's already packed and I have 2 more days of this shit NNNNNNNNNGBHGJG
Doesn't it just piss you off when you lose things for months at a time, and they turn up in the most unusual places at which point you've already replaced them?