(10-13-2011, 11:06 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I'm 23 and I still get terrible breakouts. I'm so ugly 
Depends on your skin type, really. If you have oily skin you might want to wash it in a regular basis during the day and try a dermatologist The stuff you eat might also mess things up.
I always get depressed when it rains. It have been raining the entire week and I'm feeling awful. Sunday is going to be the worst

My Grandpa has just passed away

It would be a little neat to be able to choose what happens with my phone instead of my stepdad deciding everything himself. First he took my phone as switched my phone number out of the blue (After I'd sent in a bunch of online job apps that I couldn't change, heh.) and now he's switching me over to some cheap phone he got off eBay. Even my eight-year-old sister has a better phone than me, fuck.
EDIT: Well, I guess he changed his mind because the phone I have now would be cheaper to stick with. Still, I'd like to have some say. It's my phone after all; I'm the only one using it.
Our Composition teacher who just moved from New Mexico is the rudest lady ever. She treats everyone like hicks, and seriously believes we have no idea who Tim Burton is even though we've told her we do. She probably doesn't realize not everyone from South Dakota hasn't always lived here and not that many lived in tiny towns. God I hate her, she's so condescending and rude. And she has no idea how to teach.
Now we're talking about Occupy Wall Street and she's confusing things from Anonymous and OWS.
I'm just listening to Children of Bodom and ignoring the class at this point.
Bummed out the instant I woke up.
Gonna do some soulsearching tonight... probably by myself, but whatever. I'm doing it for me anyway, not other people.
i feel like my worlds kind of turnin upside down i don't really understand why its just started now though
ive been real tired too i think i need to start on iron and multis again
So I play Magic every friday and saturday night. I went to go play tonight.
There is this guy that kinda as an air of weirdness about him who is easily in his late 40s. He doesn't really know me and only fought against me once and that was tonight.
He essentially asked me out on a date. I'm only 20. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I swear if he overhead me talk about were I play on saturdays and follows me there, I'm going to be throughly creeped out and probably talk to the store owner or the event runner (Both of which I've become good friends with by now) to do a thing about it because I'd like to be able to relieve stress with playing Magic and not become more stressed.
Age-difference isn't a thing once you're legal.
(10-14-2011, 11:57 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]So I play Magic every friday and saturday night. I went to go play tonight.
There is this guy that kinda as an air of weirdness about him who is easily in his late 40s. He doesn't really know me and only fought against me once and that was tonight.
He essentially asked me out on a date. I'm only 20. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I swear if he overhead me talk about were I play on saturdays and follows me there, I'm going to be throughly creeped out and probably talk to the store owner or the event runner (Both of which I've become good friends with by now) to do a thing about it because I'd like to be able to relieve stress with playing Magic and not become more stressed.
Being a girl and playing Magic is hard
it's hard and no one understands
But seriously, if he continues his creepiness talk to the store owner. If they're a decent person they'll do something about it.
(10-15-2011, 12:31 AM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Age-difference isn't a thing once you're legal.
Doesn't make it socially acceptable to ask out someone who is young enough to be your child.
(10-14-2011, 10:04 AM)Vaati Wrote: [ -> ]
My Grandpa has just passed away 
Mine too. And my other one is now in the hospital, doing badly. :\
I do see a dermatologist. He gives me special medication wich helped me because before I had Elephant Man levels of grossness on my face but I still once in a while breakout. It doesn't help that I still look sixteen. What girl could ever love me? *sob*
(10-15-2011, 02:09 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I do see a dermatologist. He gives me special medication wich helped me because before I had Elephant Man levels of grossness on my face but I still once in a while breakout. It doesn't help that I still look sixteen. What girl could ever love me? *sob*
Let me tell you a bit of a strange story, strange mostly because if I wasn't telling the story myself I'd think it was nothing but feel good crap, but you'll just have to take my word for it.
When I was in college I made quick friends with a lot of people, but one person sticks in my mind very clearly, she was possibly one of the friendliest, easy going, and attractive people I've ever met.
It was no secret that a lot of the guys hanging out had a bit of a thing for her, most of them even considered her to be way out of their league. (whatever that means)
The strange part is that she had
terrible skin, honestly, even the greasiest teenage burger-flipper looked like they were made of porcelain in comparison, even stranger, it's actually really hard for me to think of her as having such bad skin, I know for a fact she did, but all I can remember is her being really nice and attractive.
It was a bit of an eye opener for me, made me realize that the most important "trick" to being physically attractive and charismatic is, basically, to fake it, if you're confident and comfortable enough in your own skin to not dwell on your physical flaws, other people are more than happy to overlook even the obvious things and see you in a completely different light.
You know how sometimes people are so cynical it's impossible to enjoy even a little conversation because they're just gonna go on about how much the world sucks and nothing you do even matters you're only pretending to give a shit about other people in order to feel better about yourself etc
thanks old notebook the day i finally have enough patience to deal with your shitty slowness you decide not to work
no really thanks i had a lot of stuff to get from your hard drive and you don't work, phenomenal.