There's nothing like my younger siblings being shits and pissing my mom off on Christmas. My brother's fucking up the itunes account for them as my mom's trying to help them, and he changed all the info, and forgot it

Good thing I made my own

Other than that, it's been a good Christmas.
Father ditched me for the day.
After it took me 4 hours through subway and bus to get to his house.
After he guilts me to go visit him and call him every week.
Really ruined my festive spirit.
I also learned I apparently have a 36 year old sister.
i got 2 of the super famicom games i ordered in the mail!!
but i didnt receive the system yet

"I don't feel well" does not mean "Come to my house and try to guilt me into leaving with you."
My favorite thing is when my stepdad just doesn't pay bills on time which is just about every time he pays bills.
"Since you don't feel good today, come over tomorrow." - Forcefully insisting "if you don't" voice.
"Alright, sure."
Nobody's fucking home.
I hate being alive
My cat Chester died today, he was such a friendly cat and I'm really gonna miss him.
"Hey, we're home now. Come over. Come over. Come over. Come over. Come over. We're gonna take a nap."
Fuck this socialization thing.
(12-27-2011, 10:19 PM)Devicho Wrote: [ -> ]My favorite thing is when my stepdad just doesn't pay bills on time which is just about every time he pays bills.
Haha this but today I learned that he didn't pay our electric bill last month and if he doesn't pay by the 11th we can lose our power.
Spent another christmas pretending to be "okay" when I was miserable inside.
i really love how every single time i think things are going good it turns out that i'm just stupid and that i was never right about anything at all
why do i even bother
it's right there in front of me and i never see it
I walked all the way to work today only to immediately have to leave because I'm too sick to be handling food. Tried to call in sick beforehand but I couldn't get ahold of anyone willing to cover for me at the time.
My throat hurts a whole lot right now and I've pretty much lost my voice.