Bye everyone, I might be on every once a blue moon, but I simply can't stay anymore. To everyone who's been a friend to me, farewell, we'll probably see each other elsewhere on the internet. And to those others, well you're getting rid of me so rejoice in that I guess.
Wish I didn't feel the need to leave, but it's time to move on.
Sincerely Dark Castle Bastard of the Flannel Order.
Why has everyone been leaving suddenly? I don't get it.
I can't imagine you not being here...
Uh...? If this is in response to recent events, I think you might be overreacting a bit, but it's your choice. You're a Cool Dude, so hope you don't disappear completely.
Nooooooooooooo don't go
who will be our flannel-wearing expert in bastardization now? : ((((((
Welp, I guess I'll catch you on the flipside, you demonic angel
After our discussion last night, I can understand my friend, it made me rethink my stay here as well, thus the resignation. I feel as if you've got a lot to be happy about and a lot of things you can achieve. I'll see you around.
also, if anything i have learned from all these years using forums, is that when one wants to leave, one simply does it.
making a thread to announce your departure is not only a call for attention, but also its dumb.
I'm gonna miss you, man.

Don't be a stranger if you can be.
Same goes to you RetroX, ninjaing your way into here like that. You've made me twice as sad.