(07-19-2011, 12:45 AM)when i have sex i think of tsr Wrote: [ -> ] (07-18-2011, 10:54 PM)Rökkan Wrote: [ -> ]fan support on the development
this is exactly why the quality wasnt what they wanted it to be
and why it would be a bad game
I don't get this.
It was just fan support. From things from choosing a character design or making one of the Bonne bots. They were things that the fans could have input on but didn't directly harm the quality of the game. It wasn't like the fans were doing the programming or writing the story. Just mostly features and such.
All moot now, though.
Oh, and let's not forget this little abomination from Capcom.
whats wrong with that?
Maybe he just managed to forge a really convincing image, which would only require him to save it once.
(07-19-2011, 01:16 PM)oB2Kojjiro Mario Wrote: [ -> ]Capcom's been dead to me since they said they wouldn't localize AAI2
after releasing Okami Den
just saying b/c I was dying for AAI2 to come to the US :C
also I wouldn't be surprised if they went ahead and canceled the Layton/Wright crossover while they're at it
either way, all of these other bullshit moves of theirs (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE) makes me not want to acknowledge them as a company anymore. Seriously, screw this.
What's AAI2?
..Ace Attorney Investigations..?
(07-19-2011, 03:25 PM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]What's AAI2?
..Ace Attorney Investigations..?
The second one's been out for a while now but Capcom refuses to localize it. And it's seriously bumming me out

I'm convinced Capcom WANTS to alienate every fan it has and just stop making games altogether.
Addendum: and somehow expect to make tons of money by doing so.
(07-19-2011, 03:39 PM)oB2Kojjiro Mario Wrote: [ -> ] (07-19-2011, 03:25 PM)Rakia Wrote: [ -> ]What's AAI2?
..Ace Attorney Investigations..?
The second one's been out for a while now but Capcom refuses to localize it. And it's seriously bumming me out 
Probably won't make a difference, but there's an online petition for an English release of AAI2:
still a good drawing though
why is everything i love dieing
Why is it that all Capcom cares about is their fighting games now?
Why is every company destroying what everyone actually wants? These two Mega Man games and now Bomberman 3DS.
Yes. I heard on YouTube. And all because of fracking Konami. Go figure.
Also this.
what does konami have to do on this.
(07-19-2011, 08:10 PM)Gnostic WetFart Wrote: [ -> ]why is everything i love dieing
thats not true castlevania is doing really well. lords of shadows was fantast-hahaahahahaha