Might as well start rebuilding at some point.
Silent Hill. Fucking awesome movie.
My sister doesn't like it, but I really enjoyed it!
I'm probably biased because of its 3D awesomeness.
Was Rango in 3D? I can't remember.
Nope, I'm talking about the modeling/sculpting/textures, etc.
"Real 3D" is robbery anyway
Yeah when I refer to 3D I never mean "how it pops out at you!"
But yeah I saw Rango, it was really good!
Also saw AvP that was good too but the ending was ridiculous
I thought Rango was cool! And the last film I saw was still Terminator 2. Seeing Harry Potter tomorrow though.
This week~
The Good:
Step Brothers
Catch me if you can
Harry Brown
The Bad:
Flight Plan
The Hangover
Letters to Juliet
Legally Blonde 2
The Last Song
Goddammit Becky.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
It was awesome! Definately one of the best Harry Potter movies. However, I was disapointed with the ending and
The unexplained death of Remus Lupin(my favorite character) and the abscence of the creatures who fought in the final battle
Still, a great final movie. You need to see it! :>
Dunno if I want to watch HP 7.2, as the last movie I watched was 4, but:
Lupin's death isn't unexplained, it just adds to Harry's umm regret? that so many people had to die. Like the little Creevey bro. And Greg/Forge. I forgot which one died.
Also, what creatures?
And I liked Hangover, demmet.
watched let me in and insidious
let me in wasnt even that scary, it was really more about a 12 year olds love story - the most scary thing was the little boy with a telescope watching people have passionate sex
insidious wasn't that bad either, the most scary thing was the generic horror film elements (ie: jump/scream/etc)
Was let me in supposed to be scary?
Either way, I heard the original is better so I/you should see that.
saw horrible bosses last night. ironically got fired today lol
Just watched A-Team movie.
Being a fan of the show, plus it has Liam Neeson too. It was a lot better then I expected, really solid job.
(07-19-2011, 05:56 PM)Solink Wrote: [ -> ]Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
It was awesome! Definately one of the best Harry Potter movies. However, I was disapointed with the ending and
I was disapointed at how the didn't even try to make the actors look as if they were 19 years older
I mean, seriously, when you are almost fourty, you will never look like 20, being a wizard or not ;[
(07-21-2011, 02:53 AM)ZaeTelapo! Wrote: [ -> ]Just watched A-Team movie.
Being a fan of the show, plus it has Liam Neeson too. It was a lot better then I expected, really solid job.
I watched that recently, too, and was really surprised how good it was
Though Face really should have seen a razor blade

I watched HP last night...
I can honestly say that Rowling doesn't really think logically about these geniuses.
Let's give one them a device that lets them travel through time! Oh, she can study more! What about saving the lives of several characters, or just going back and killing Voldermort when he's a little shit?
Remember that one dude nobody likes? Nevile? Let's turn him into a superhero. And let's only cast spells when we feel like it - fucking floating, let's just jump into a river.
Also, they just make everyone look older by not putting as much make up on and having them not shave for a week, plus a bit of podge, and a mullet on Harry.