Watched Kuragehime (Princess Jellyfish)
it was good, but not as good as the manga in the few instances where it changed things
oh cool, ive watched princess jellyfish awhile ago.
meanwhile, ive finished all 112 episodes of yu yu hakusho! im not sure if any movies exist so i might check.
EDIT: 900 posts
Welp, I'm super behind on many anime, kill me.
Space Dandy's season ended and now there's not a new one until July.

1) Kill la Kill was good and very fun
2) Serial Experiments Lain... I did not get the appeal.
Kyoto Animation has been sucking lately and kinda hopped over that thin line between "moe, but has a good sense of humor about it" and "completely and unironically drowned in moe culture help what is real life"
I liked Kill la Kill a lot too. The only trouble is that there's too much boobs for me to watch it with anyone I know. X:
i gotta say, most anime for me is ruined if it even leans towards being fan-service oriented
If i want porn, ill look at porn
All i want is some good animation with a good story
Case in point; Trigun was great, like virtually no fan-service
an exception to this would be an anime like Gurren Laggan (the first season at least); the design and plot development well outweighed the ample breasts imo
(03-31-2014, 09:25 PM)Sevenstitch Wrote: [ -> ]an exception to this would be an anime like Gurren Laggan (the first season at least); the design and plot development well outweighed the ample breasts imo
Kill la Kill is really similar to Gurren Lagann in all sorts of ways. Like, a lot
and the "fan service" is done in a purposely obnoxious, parody type of way that...actually has to do with the goofy plot. It's all in good fun, rather than some creepy body pillow cash grab. It was a bit rocky to me at first, but by the end of the series, it seriously just seems normal.
I'm sure outside of context it sounds like a really bad joke... It's all in the execution, I guess!
Outside of KLK, though, you certainly have a point. Sometimes I find ecchi humor in anime pretty funny, but most of the time it's distracting and in bad taste and completely unnecessary. That describes a lot of things in anime in general...
typical "nothing exists in a vacuum" statements still apply of course
but in the end, klk does still handle nudity relatively tastefully for the last few episodes
i just watched paranoia agent
satoshi kon is (or rather was, sadly) really crazy as fuq
funny thing when i was really small, back when i lived in the usa, i caught a glimpse of the last episode on adult swim
so even though i guessed the end of the show before i was done with it, the early-childhood memory refresh was a strange yet enjoyable feeling
(probably cause i was kinda shocked by the show back then and now i understand all the whats and whys)
That's almost the opposite of me
I watched Paranoia Agent when it was on adult swim, but my dad was walking around and talking to me during the last episode... I didn't want him to think I was watching something weird, so I missed the last 10 minutes and didn't watch the ending until probably years later
watching Michiko to Hatchin
the moral of the story so far seems to be
"everyone is a selfish douchebag"
I finally finished ALL of Jungle Wa Itsumo Hare Nochi Guu after years of putting it off.
The OVA seasons weren't as good as the main season but there were some laughs here and there.
I finished Nichijou.
There were some parts that were pretty boring and others that were just nonstop gold. Definitely a 9/10.
I'm watching Kill la Kill now and this show is GREAT