Something I made very quickly.
Saw Lexou's desktop and thought, "I want one of those"
so i made one right quick
Got shrunk for some reason... ultimately, I still have a lot to do but I am partially sorting my filesystem, hence why my Desktop isn't
entirely filled with files.
HA! you still have staff.png and those DBZ micspams, those are gold.
I've been in the middle of cleaning up my laptop since I got a new computer, This will pretty much be an extra hard drive from now on.
Props for using the unofficial Longhorn skin, Sevenstitch! Don't see as many WinXP users anymore from the sea of Win7 adopters. =P (Gotta admit though, Win7 is really nice. It's the only version of Windows I still use.)
Anyway, this thread is in dire need of some Linux love. More specifically Xubuntu Linux 12.04, and lovin' it!
Because Deadpool, that's why!

And yes, my Firefox window does look like that when I'm watching livestreams while drawing in GIMP at the same time. =P Multi-tasking for the win!
the last 8 posts in this thread have been split into
their own thread as to prevent futher derail.
(By the way I'd like to ask everyone to put super-huge desktop shots into spoilers for page loading times and thread viewability; that'd be sweet)