This looks like a pretty well constructed engine. its almost a shame i have no interest in fangames or using other peoples engines: although, i was tempted to make a Mega Man game with this engine for a few seconds.
I'll be honest with you here.
This looks like the most authentic Mario engine I've seen yet. Watching the videos, it looks like you've nailed nearly all the physics and item properties in the classic games. I'd give yourself a pat on the back, because it looks like you have Super Mario Bros X beat by miles here.
EDIT: Actually, I do have a bit of criticism. The jumping looks a bit floaty. The original games had a more weighted feel that gave the player more control in jumping.
Nice, very nice.
One of the best Mario fan games I ever saw, congrats.
Ninja Mario was a cool idea.
And this reminds me that I need to learn Gamemaker too

I released a new update:
What's new in v6.0?
Code Rewrite: Newer, cleaner, fully commented code.
High Resolution Filtering: Choose between HQ4X, HQ2X, and no filtering.
Better Checkpoints: Supports infinite checkpoints per level.
New Powerups: Propeller and Boomerang Mario.
New Features: Mechakoopas, green bricks, triple wide question mark blocks, and more!
Many Changes to Existing Features: Better world map level blocking, keyhole animation, convex corner support for wall triangles, and more!
This looks fantastic! Will download it right away!
I'm still waiting for my Wario engine in Game Maker.
Where is my Goodbye Wario Engine

(05-13-2014, 01:15 AM)Sengir Wrote: [ -> ]I'm still waiting for my Wario engine in Game Maker.
Where is my Goodbye Wario Engine 
* Kosheh tries to explain the name
* Kosheh can't
* Kosheh just can't
That is a good point though - can you actually make like, WarioLand games using Wario and his mechanics in this engine?
(I feel like if someone made a Wario engine though they'd give it a name worthy of Wario greatness - like MoneyPrinter or Garlic Appreciation Simulator)
(GAS for short)