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I've been listening to these while I rip sprites (the MIDI versions though, since those are the best):

Makes me want to continue with my "Warcraft 2 in Warcraft 3" mod I was making, which I might do after I've finished some other stuff I'm currently busy with.

(04-05-2012, 11:39 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]

Pretty sure nobody will like or listen to this, but I think it's catchy as fuck. It's been my "work out" video for the last week.
Been a while since I listened to that song. Caravan Palace did good stuff on that album!

(04-06-2012, 04:02 AM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]Been a while since I listened to that song. Caravan Palace did good stuff on that album!

I've got both their albums - definitely think this one is the better. Panic! just seems to be very "samey"

Been listening to a lot from ADTR lately.

Dredj recently, while i rip sprites

EDIT: Also here's a song from Brendan Small's new solo record Galaktikon. It's called "Prophecy Of The Lazer Witch"
This quite possibly might be the best thing to come out this year.

I dare any Death Metal band to top this album this year, because they won't. This record is a fracking masterpiece.
Why isn't there a Favorite Anime Music thread? :I

Ahah! So THAT's where you got your username from.

I fucking love this theme. Heart It's so suiting, and I love how they mixed traditional instruments with modern percussion.