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So I showed my brother Pz's dwarf hole, and he's been listening to it while playing some minecraft knockoff on the xbox with his friends for the better part of the day. Some time through out it I heard this, and I was like "what is this?" Found out Pz came out with a new song yesterday. I fucking love you Pz.

MADNESS, I'd always heard stuff about this band, good things, but never gave them a listen, kind of wish I had sooner, as this is great great great great stuff.

This song was so sick live. I wish these guys were coming to my area again soon.

goooooood mooooorning vieeeeeetnaaaaaaam

I think this is the part without the weird backmasking stuff, at least. Not that I don't like it... but it goes on for around 5 minutes.

And they said Mega Man could never make a good rock opera.

lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove Kvelertak.

never thought i'd find jesus christ superstar to be such an amazing album, but damn it really is

mmhhh yes i've always had a soft spot for dsl

the end of the video makes perfect sense, i love it!

It's hard to believe that I find a lot of good bands through fanmixes on livejournal


:o :o

pretty decent dnb