Pikachu's re-done...and unless I decide to go back & redo Raichu, Murkrow's next
Pikachu and Yanma are awesome!
Just a question, are you going to (eventually) resprite Charmander and Bulbasaur as well? Just wondering...
Keep up the good work!
(08-12-2008, 07:29 AM)King_Ooga_TonTon Wrote: [ -> ]Pikachu and Yanma are awesome!
Just a question, are you going to (eventually) resprite Charmander and Bulbasaur as well? Just wondering...
Keep up the good work!
I don't want to say 'yes' and I don't want to say 'no'...In other words, I don't hate the sheets as much as I did with Charizard, Pikachu, Squirtle, and Scyther...Time will tell if I do or don't, the only way to find out is to keep watching! =P
Sorry for another Double post, but Murkrow's done
Good Job on Murkrow but me hate flying pokemon lol
Yanma is the worst Pokemon to ever exist ever. Team it up with Lileep and Dunsparce and you have a team of the three worst Pokemon ever. YAY!
But the sprites are pretty rad.
I, personally, like Yanma. But that's just my opinion, and I don't want to turn this topic of awesome sprites into a discussion of favourite Pokemon.
(08-12-2008, 07:10 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Unown says hi.
Unown is crap but at least they look 20,000,000x cooler than Yanma. Yanma can die.
Wow...These sprites are amazing!
This would be one awesome Mugen game.
Keep it up and nice job

There's a broken icon on the first page.
(08-13-2008, 01:47 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]There's a broken icon on the first page.
umm...which Icon? all of them are working for me...