Never mind. I just had to let the page load.
(08-13-2008, 05:29 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Never mind. I just had to let the page load.
Ah, yeah, I see what you mean now
Anyway, I might take another break from the project, one man can only do so much without getting...really bored...I will say that I'm definitely going to return to this project, it just depends when I'm not sick of Pokemon
Ok, so I'm pretty much just bumping this, to keep it alive, but I'd like to say that if I don't update the Topic by January 2009, I've dropped the Project, and probably won't return to it until Platinum comes out...
0.0 Well i hope it stays alive
so do I

Well, I'm back, I updated with two sheets, Tailow and Togekiss
...More will come, but not as fast as they used to since classes are starting to be a pain
Sorry to Double Post, but Spheal's done!
Nice job.
And are you going to make a Josh-Dex or something like that?
(09-14-2008, 02:01 PM)KillerAslox Wrote: [ -> ]Nice job.
And are you going to make a Josh-Dex or something like that?
If you mean completely new Pokemon, no...although a while ago I did make a few fakemon, which look almost like they could be real Pokemon
...And if you mean like the Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh Dex, where it's just a mix of random Pokemon, again, no...
One last 'If': If you mean an actual Pokedex, like the backgrounds, and how it's set up in-game(Screen, shows the Pokemon, does the cry, etc...) I might, but I dunno yet
(09-14-2008, 04:04 PM)Teeks Wrote: [ -> ]Rotoms new forms. Go.
Soon Yus?
Luvdisc & Lapras have been added...making the update count to 30 Pokemon, with 1 Background/Leader
I can't find the Lapras, Luvdisc, Spheal, Tailow, or Togekiss sprites! Someone help!
(09-14-2008, 11:56 PM)1up01 Wrote: [ -> ]I can't find the Lapras, Luvdisc, Spheal, Tailow, or Togekiss sprites! Someone help!
They should all be on the first post of this topic. If you can't see them, then wait a little while and try again. ImageShack has a tendency to have broken images every now and then (or at least it seems like that).
Thanks. These sprites are awesome. I made a short video with them. I credit josh for the sprites, oof course. I will give the link later.