Piplup looks awesome. When might you be doing Empoleon and Prinplup?
(10-02-2008, 08:08 PM)1up01 Wrote: [ -> ]Piplup looks awesome. When might you be doing Empoleon and Prinplup?
Haha, don't count on it any time soon, I still have every other Starter line to do(Minus Charmanders)
Stay tuned Poke-people, Dark and Ghost types will be added all month long! AND I have 2 very special Pokemon planned for Halloween! No they're not Legendaries, but they 'Can't be hit by their only weakness' (without the help of a special move, that is)
(10-02-2008, 08:27 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-02-2008, 08:08 PM)1up01 Wrote: [ -> ]Piplup looks awesome. When might you be doing Empoleon and Prinplup?
Haha, don't count on it any time soon, I still have every other Starter line to do(Minus Charmanders)
Stay tuned Poke-people, Dark and Ghost types will be added all month long! AND I have 2 very special Pokemon planned for Halloween! No they're not Legendaries, but they 'Can't be hit by their only weakness' (without the help of a special move, that is)
well, i'll be waiting for Blastoise.
Absol's done, I think he came out pretty well
..........Very Corny also nice job Josh.........another thing shouldn't you sprite both sides of him
(10-04-2008, 11:30 AM)Battosai Rai Wrote: [ -> ]..........Very Corny also nice job Josh.........another thing shouldn't you sprite both sides of him
yeah, i agree.
Great job on absol! (and all the other pokemon)

Also, for the 2 special pokemon do you mean spiritbomb and sableye?
(10-04-2008, 11:30 AM)Battosai Rai Wrote: [ -> ]another thing shouldn't you sprite both sides of him
Yup, already did, only the heads are to the side, but they're flipped the other way
...Of course, for the Attack, I still have to make the heads a little differently...
Edit: Made the other side of Absol...
@Redblueyellow: Yup, you guessed themof course, I didn't really make it that hard =P
Love these sprites, keep it up, glad someone had thought up an idea gamefreak should really look toward to. I had a similar idea to this once, maybe I should continue it one day, your stuff kinda inspires me to do so.
(10-04-2008, 01:40 PM)Subomi~Chan Wrote: [ -> ]Love these sprites, keep it up, glad someone had thought up an idea gamefreak should really look toward to. I had a similar idea to this once, maybe I should continue it one day, your stuff kinda inspires me to do so.
Glad I'm inspiring someone
And yeah, Game Freak should've picked up this idea when they made Diamond & Pearl
Great Job..................Game interesting!
Me too.
Staryu is kickass aswell, I love the shining gem.