Dude, Pidgey looks so awesome. I'm loving bulbasaur's run too.
(11-07-2008, 06:25 PM)lonely_cubone Wrote: [ -> ]Those are both great. Do you think you might redo Charmander soon? That would be awesome if you would.
Well, speak of the devil =P
Yup, that's right, Charmander's redo is redone...I think he turned out way better than the old one...Although, the old one wasn't completely terrible, it was excellent for when I made it
Thanks for the comments guys!
Charmander looks pretty cool. Do you plan on doing more replacements?
Just a few, and they're going to be the ones that I think need it most
These are awesome!

Charmander's awesome! Thank you!
Wow! You continue to amaze me to the power of three.
Wow! Great job with those! One thing is bothering me though. Togekiss' face, it has something wrong with it, I think it is the mouth being alot to the right, or the eyes should be a little bit more to the right, but it could be me.
Ok, so...not really a big surprise, but I'm worn out...I've been working on the Project, but nothing new, no new replacements, more on the 'technical' stuff, like the Backgrounds & other stuff...So, I'm taking a break from it for a while
...I've also been putting together a little(and by little, i mean HUGE) Test animation...It just so happens to be the first Gym Battle...
I can't really submit anything from the animation, but I could post the animation in the topic to show you guys...I'll do that when it's done in like...a week...
These are awesome! I can't really think of any way for these to improve, it's just amazing.
Dang. Nice job with the Charmander. And good luck with the animation!
If I may make a suggestion for what to sprite next, you should make the final stages of the Generation 1 starters. That being Venusaur and Blastoise.
I agree with Sarge. Venusaur and Blastoise would be helpful. Good luck with the animation!

Wow, now that you've posted that animation, your sprites look more accurate.