(02-16-2009, 01:32 AM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]I'll eventually remake Lucario
After you remake Lucario, could you please make Prinplup and Infernape?
That won't be for a while, but I want to make all of the starter's second forms before I do their final Evolution...And since I'll be doing them in the order of the Generations, you'll see Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, and Grotle before I get to Monferno & Prinplup
Added My Pokemon 'Chart' to the first post...might be better than the list to keep track of the sheet placement
Everything up to this point is saved.
Holy Crap Its Shaymin! Good job Josh
When I first found out about Pearl having Shaymin's 2nd form, I thought it was an evolved form.
And are those actually the correct sizes?
Well, they're pretty much the right sizes...Shaymin is 8 inches, but the Sky form is 1'3"
I might try to remake the original form, but that's about as big as it is in Battle Revolution(if not bigger)
Bonsly and 'Silver' are done:
![[Image: tag145.png]](http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1152/tag145.png)
...I'll probably have to take a hiatus from this project soon, because of school, but I'll try to do as many as I can before summer(and then of course, you'll see a lot of them)
Updated Blue & Silver so their animations will run a little smoother:
![[Image: tag15.png]](http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/6525/tag15.png)
Silver was the best rival IMO.
Silver was the only "criminal" rival! He was pretty dope.
Ah, I see what you mean, I'll fix that ASAP(since this is geared towards the games & not the Manga...which I used as a reference...)
Ok, so...I'm going to wait until summer to start this project back up, I might do a sheet or two now & again, but nothing too big (or I'd say more than 10 sheets) before summer
...I'll probably take Silver Down for now, so he doesn't get on the site(since I still have to fix him)
This Project is on hiatus until further notice(most likely some time in May)
As promised, I fixed Silver's hair:
...I'll probably have a little free time, so I might be able to squeeze out a new sheet, or remake one