Nothing big, but Added Diglett
Just a note: the Ones I put in my queue come after Dawn, which will come after Dugtrio(which is up next, so expect them soon)
In other 'Project' News, I set up a long queue today, which has 3 Sections:
'Possibly Before' - Sheets like Diglett, which I may squeeze in before I go onto the next one in my queue, most likely very Small Pokemon
'Next' - The ones I say are coming up soon...The next will have the most in it's queue because I like to plan ahead
and 'Later' - Huge ones I'll put off, or that I don't want to do at the moment
Sorry to double post, but Dugtrio is done
and to answer the 'how come he has less poses than Diglett' question before it's asked, to put it simply, it's much harder to coordinate three heads rather than one, and have it look right
and a little background, I made 3 Bigger Digletts to actually make Dugtrio(kind of obvious in the piece section) pieced them together like they appear in D/P, and made them move...This is one of the few cases in which Attack and Special Attack have the same Poses
Togepi and Dawn are done, now I can finally get back to the Pokemon =P
Lovin' it.

Awesome Dawn is there! I can't wait when you (maybe) make RBY or GSC Red and Rayquaza.
Totodile's up, my first Second Generation Starter
Heracross is Complete
Now maybe I can finally get to those Requests(and I don't know why I counted but all together, I have 588 things left to make, not including Backgrounds...Making this project seem a whoooooooole lot longer)
I love the jump/fly Heracross sprites, and Totodile's a favorite of mine

Fuckin' Awesome but you're forgetting Snover :<
Ugh, Backgrounds SUCK and I have like every Region to go...
but good news for you guys, my First Background, the Pokemon Center, is Complete(this literally took half of last night and most of today, and it's not even as good as I thought it was...)
...and NOW I'll get to the requested Pokemon
Added Snover, up next it Riolu
Looking good. Can't wait for Abomasnow.

I L-O-V-E the Snover

Tonberry2k Wrote:Looking good. Can't wait for Abomasnow. 
Haha, you'll be waiting a while as he's twice as big =P
Lotos Wrote:I L-O-V-E the Snover 
Riolu's finished!
Humanshaped Pokemon are hard, cause they move like us(obviously) Walking takes so long with them, so I've decided to make walking separate from the idle pose for the Humanshapes(which means I may revisit Gallade's walk)
Torchic and Ralts are up next!