The Lucario sheet is awesome man. But it's not a very good replacement for the Brawl Lucario sheet, cause' i see no sfx attacks in the sheet. Can you please make new Sfx attacks for IV pokémons. Cause there are more new moves now. from gen. IV.
Anyway, i can't wait for the next sheet and can't wait when you will do the custom sheets of Rivals and Gym Leaders

Mega Heroes Wrote:The Lucario sheet is awesome man. But it's not a very good replacement for the Brawl Lucario sheet, cause' i see no sfx attacks in the sheet. Can you please make new Sfx attacks for IV pokémons. Cause there are more new moves now. from gen. IV.
Anyway, i can't wait for the next sheet and can't wait when you will do the custom sheets of Rivals and Gym Leaders 
Umm...this isn't the Brawl Project, and I'm not making Lucario for the Project...This is MY Pokemon Project...of course there are no sfx on the sheet because I separated the Attacks from the sheets a long time ago(about the time D&P came out in the US)...I know there are a lot more moves in the 4th Gen. since I've played D&P, I just don't think the SFX are as important as the actual Pokemon & Trainers, so I'm saving them for later...So for now, just suffer through with only 3rd Gen. moves, some of them can even be made to be 4th Gen. Moves(like the Elemental Fangs). When I get to it, even some of the old ones will be redone
Mewtwo, my 100th Pokemon Sheet is complete!
Darkrai pwns me!
*gets pwned by Darkrai*
Charizard has been remade, I think it's much better than the old one, share your opinions
Next up: Every Eevelution
His head looks too small. Plus his head stretches out too far for the poses where he's sticking his head out.
A.J. Nitro Wrote:His head looks too small. Plus his head stretches out too far for the poses where he's sticking his head out.
Fixed, considering that for the stretched out heads, you mean the last poses of his Attack & Sp. Attack
Scyther's way better, and Charizard's good too. But didn't you say on an earlier post that he needed a flying animation? Other than that, he's really good.
I agree it should have a flying animation, but great job otherwise.
Added the Flying animation, but it's on my computer, which has no internet, so I'll get that up as soon as I get my internet back(Probably by the end of this week...)
I'll try to keep you guys updated with information, but that's about all I can do right now
...There is however some good news with the whole internet being I don't HAVE to make the Eeveelutions in order(I probably still will, just because =P)
So, see you guys in a few days, and hopefully you'll see all the Eeveelutions!
Josh, have I told you I love you lately? Because I do.
Teeks Wrote:Josh, have I told you I love you lately? Because I do.

and no you haven't, but my internet's crap, so what do ya expect =P
Okay, since I can't post the sheets, I'll tease you guys with everything I Finished:
Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and Glaceon
Can't wait to show you guys(I better get the new Router today, or I'll have to sit out the weekend...)