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(09-14-2011, 02:56 PM)Basement Bill Wrote: [ -> ]First of all,
The "difficulty" of SNES Dracula X lies not in honest challenge, but in flawed game design. Rondo's difficulty was the product of enemies, which complemented an enviroment you had to traverse, while in Drac X the enemies were just strewn around the various stages without any creative thought. Also speaking of the levels themselves, they were unexciting. No Ghost Ship, no Graveyard, just the ordinary, cookie-cutter scenery you'd find in any other platformer with a similar theme.
And I suppose you'd rather not have an alternate character with a different playstyle? Or, do you think females should only exist in games as non-combatants? If they'd instead used Kid Dracula as an alternate character who played identically to Maria, would you still be defending Dracula X on this issue?
Now, save files, I can live without, but really Dracula X didn't have the depth to warrant a save feature, unlike Rondo. The music could have been better, the "limitations" of the SNES are irrelevant; Super Castlevania 4 had fantastic music. The fact that they included Picture of a Ghost Ship but left out the superior Cross a Fear is just sad. The cutscenes weren't really a huge deal, but I'd personally rather have them than not, given the choice.
Dracula X wasn't one tenth the game Rondo of Blood was.
I can agree with you on the level design and enemy placement, actually; it WAS a little maddening at times. The atmosphere tended to be a bit bland as well, but I don't think that it was
truly awful. Though, I do believe that the challenge was a bit more unbalanced in DracX, so I'll give you that. At least it's better than Haunted Castle.

When I was addressing the difficulty complaint, most of the complainers contrasted DracX and Super CV IV's more versatile Belmont, not contrasting DracX and Rondo's level designs/enemy placement, so sorry for any confusion.
I suppose I was a bit hasty and mad in my Maria rant, and for that, I apologize. My issue isn't gender at all, nor is having an alternate playstyle character on its own; Rondo definitely wins when it boils down to playstyle variety (especially since DracX took out the Bible Subweapon. BASTARDS). I'm just saying that they could've balanced out Maria a bit better in Rondo; even with her taking more damage and dealing less, she was still a very cheap player; her versatility didn't compliment Rondo's level design in my opinion.
Yes, the music could've been better. The same could be said of pretty much any videogame; but to a certain point, it's all about taste (for example, I preferred the DracX versions of Beginning and Vampire Killer over Super CV IV's; again, it's a matter of preference). I'm glad we agree about Cross a Fear, though.

As for cutscenes, I don't think that DracX established enough of an emphasis on story to justify cutscenes, but if it did, I would think that the lack of such cutscenes would be a bit troubling.
That's kinda my point: contrary to popular belief, DracX
wasn't supposed to be Rondo of Blood, but an alternate retelling of Richter's Rondo of Blood story (think Castlevania I [RONDO] vs. Vampire Killer [DRACX]). My wording in my previous post may suggest otherwise, but I don't think that Rondo of Blood is bad; it's most definitely the stronger of the two titles here. On the other side of the coin, though, I don't think that DracX is the appalling shitstorm that so many like to think it is.
Is this the "convince people they shouldn't like games that they do" thread now?
There's really no point in keeping this thread alive if everyone is going to jump on other people for liking certain games. That's the whole point of this thread. "I like this, but nobody else seems to." The point isn't to trick people into confessing their guilty pleasures and then beating it out of them.
gee i dont know
things like discussion are usually pretty nice
which is exactly what is happening here.
There's a difference between discussion, and trying to convince somebody they're wrong for liking something.
Which is what's happening a lot more.
and this a problem because? whenever a problem does come up on these forums, it isn't because of someone trying to convince someone else - that is part of an educated discussion between people who disagree, and this is what allows for progress in thought - the problem is the way in which such disagreement is voiced.
and both of them are being pretty damn reasonable right now. the fact that you feel the need to turn up a stink over something as petty as that is pretty shitty.
You're ignoring the number of times this same situation has turned up in this thread, like the two or three pages dedicated to Sonic Heroes and a back and forth game of "yes" and "no."
I made my post because, judging by the thread history, and the obvious example before me of the same situation yet again, this history is only going to repeat and repeat and repeat.
And it's a problem because this thread is designed to admitting to a game is a bad, yet liking it anyways. You know the game has problems, you know you can't really defend why you like it, but you do, and people shouldn't be forcing somebody to justify their gaming habits at every corner.
and yet no damage has been done. the thread moved on and no one was hurt. the thread is far more than just "this is my guilty pleasure, accept it as is X:" the thread also points towards understanding why people like games they like. i also like the subtle implication in your post - whether intentional or not - that a game that "no one" likes (popular opinion) clearly must be bad, and must be a guilty pleasure, and must be indefensible. there is more to the topic than that, stop trying to belittle it.
i'm not ignoring anything, kriven, i just think your so called "point" is no more valid than the dookie i planted in the toilet a few minutes ago.
Pretty much. "hey i like this game" "what really? i found it really shitty because of this and that" "well but it has that other thing and i think 'this' isn't really a problem to me" "well, 'this' is a problem because of this and this and that"
That's just discussion. If you feel intimidated by other people having strong contrary opinions then it's really your problem.
If anyone got their feelings hurt because i called out Sonic Heroes, I am sorry, but I didn't get any feelings hurt when I saw statements about people 'x' and 'y' games that I like boring as well.
In fact, I don't care about people calling out one of my favorite games of all time, Sonic CD, because it does have a lot of flaws, and they can be quite big too. It is actually pretty easy to dislike Sonic CD and I acknowledge that (specially because I didn't like it at my first playthrough). However it still doesn't keep me from really really loving it.
I'm not feeling intimidated or hurt at all, I just think it's crappy that people have to justify why they like a certain game. It's essentially the "you like something different? what the fuck?" mentality on a smaller scale, and that's a really shitty mentality.
Quote:It's essentially the "you like something different? what the fuck?" mentality on a smaller scale, and that's a really shitty mentality.
"You like to discuss and rationalize differences of opinion? what the fuck?"
also showing you have no comprehension of the actual mentality you're arguing against here
(09-14-2011, 07:02 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]I just think it's crappy that people have to justify why they like a certain game.
In a thread whose purpose is literally to post "games you like that everyone hates" why would explaining why you enjoy the game be crappy? What would this thread even
be if people didn't do that?
"I like this game"
"I like this other game"
"I like that game too"
If you're making a post about liking a game, there's clearly a reason you like it, and if it's a game that many people hate, then clearly there's a reason they hate it. Why not talk about it?
Wanting to have discussion with any greater depth than "I LIKE IT BECAUSE IT IS GOOD" is a really shitty mentality, you guys.
I can see where Kriven is coming from, but disagree. Although I'd like to say, maybe instead of saying "hey i like this game" "what really? i found it really shitty because of this and that" "well but it has that other thing and i think 'this' isn't really a problem to me" "well, 'this' is a problem because of this and this and that"
you could instead say, "Well, this is a problem to ME because of...."
When you say in the previous quote, it does come off as if you're trying to tell someone they're wrong, but if you say it in the way of the latter quote, its just why you yourself didn't like it.
So its not really a big problem, but maybe by not trying to make someone seem wrong, just disagree and say why YOU think it's bad. I think if we did that, we wouldn't get some of the bickering that has indeed happened in a past few pages, and we could have some healthier discussion

why do you need someone to point out "this is my opinion"
that kind of goes without saying..?
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