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(08-22-2011, 08:34 PM)JackMan Wrote: [ -> ]It's not like the moral choices in other games where it's just for a different ending, you're literally choosing to be a saint or a sinner here.
Not trying to hate on Bioshock 2 here, but uh, it's exactly like that, as far as I know. The only thing that changes based on your decisions is how angry the characters sound when they talk to you and the ending.
In Bioshock 2, the endings decide
how Eleanor decides to live her life, as well as if Sofia Lamb survives. Bioshock had the crummy ending where Tenenbaum was either pleased or angry
. So while the Bioshock 2 endings had more substance, I suppose, it was kinda the same, just more factors.
People seem to hate Metroid Prime 2 for some reason. It's one of my favorite games of all time.
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy XIII
Silent Hill Homecoming..
Those three just popped up in my mind.
I like the story in all three games... graphics, characters, gameplay..

Dunno why people dislike those games

I seem to like Sonic Battle, I don't see anything bad about it.
Wario Land Shake It! is decent but many people consider it a piece of shit.
And this might not be true everywhere, but here on TSR it seems very little people are will to try Donkey Kong Country Returns. Also known as the greatest platforming game on the Wii.
Wario Land Shake It! is by far a better game than Donkey Kong Country Returns. I would give my vote to DKCR, but the waggle controls are way too unresponsive. If the game had standard controls, it would be close to the best.
Unfortunately, Klonoa kicks it's ass in every way imaginable. Oh dear, how I love you, Klonoa, whatever animal you may be.
I love Klonoa and all, but when people say it's a rip-off of Kirby, I can't disagree with them. No, it's the character himself and the whole atmosphere that sets it apart from Kirby for me.
Anyways, a game I liked that everyone else didn't would probaly be Spyro: A Hero's Tail. To me it's like the Crash Twinsanity of Spyro games, where it goes back to the old formula with a twist and doesn't end up becoming a crapfest like Enter The Dragonfly was. The difference is that everyone actually liked Twinsanity, but Hero's Tail was just lumped in with the other new Spyro games.
Another one would be Wrath of Cortex, at least the Xbox version. I'm fairly sure when people hate on Wrath of Cortex it's because of the load times on the PS2 version, and unfortunately that was the version I played first. But when I played the Xbox version... holy crap it was like a different game. I mean it's still Warped with a few new(Though crappy) gimmicks, but at least the load times don't account for 50% of the game time. On a similar note, I've noticed that in most cases, the PS2 version of a game is always the inferior one.
Mega Man X Command Mission runs in 30 FPS on PS2, but 60 FPS on Gamecube. Wrath of Cortex has the extra load times, not to mention the Sonic games being even worse on any Playstation console.
Wait, Klonoa is considered a kirby rip-off?
Also I love Klonoa but I can't stand the voices in the Wii one. Miss the PS2 version.
Klonoa has the same mechanics as Kirby's Dreamland basically (get stuff, throw them)
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile is easily one of my favorite games of all time. The Wii version was really good at adding extras and remaking that beautiful environment, but I hate how they pansied the game up by basically triplicating Klonoa's health, not to mention most of the renewed cutscenes look and sound worse than the original (even on the "Phantomilian" sound setting)
Oh, I get that then.
I just thought about, the sucking up and absorbing abilities aspect.
Uh, A Hero's Tail was the best Spyro game? How's it hated? It vastly improved everything upon the prequel.
The only really bad glitch I could find is when it deleted all my unlockables when I reset the game during the opening cutscene.
pick up enemy and throw them is probably my favorite mechanic for some reason
So I assume you love SMB2?
Oh Donkey Kong Country 3 is hated because of Kiddy Kong. I don't like Kiddy either but I think it had some of the best mechanics in the trilogy.
yes actually smb2 is really fun
It gets ripped on for being Doki Doki Panic but it's actually much improved from that
and where would the franchise be without shy guys, bob-ombs, and birdo?
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