I feel when trying to fit in with an ugly spritestyle, you should apply the same ugly qualities to an extent. Like SMAS's flat shading and bad use of colors (even with the limitations).
Christ2Balls' example shows this well.
(07-29-2011, 02:01 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ] (07-27-2011, 09:25 AM)CouchTomato Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: MarioAndWario.png]](http://shyguy.snorland.com/ct/MarioAndWario.png)
Hilariously, none of them match. Stop kidding yourself and just make a custom Wario sprite that fits the style instead of recoloring another one that looks totally different. If you want a real SMB3 styled Wario, take a look at this.
(07-27-2011, 05:35 PM)CouchTomato Wrote: [ -> ]I probably should've mentioned that I literally squeezed this in on a whim before packing to go to med school. So that's why I worked on that because I just had enough time to.
Why not submit your sprites for C+C when your ready instead of posting a 15 minute recolor rush-job?
And I don't see how someone telling you that re-shades aren't worth the topic = an angsty 15-year old drunk with internet anonymity. Really?
It's actually a reshade, not just a recolor. If it was a recolor, then yes, it would've taken 15 minutes. But since I had to shade as well, it took me a good few hours. Also, no offense to the person who made that sprite sheet, but that Wario is pretty ugly. I never came here saying "OMG NEW WARIO SPRITE SHEET." I just said it's a re-color (although I should've said re-shade), so I don't get why you're trying to make it something that it isn't. You don't start bashing an amateur artist for trying some painting for a minor commission and asking for advice -- only to follow up with "Lol go try painting Renaissance. Stop wasting your time."
"Hillariously, none of them match"? Hillariously, you probably need to get your eyes checked. I did mention that my goal was to use classic sprites to fit in with fan games using SMB3 sprites. So of the
possible choices, it's not hard to see that the Wario Land 2/3 sprites match the best since they actually have the same perspective and similar levels of detail.
Finally, regarding "And I don't see how someone telling you that re-shades aren't worth the topic = an angsty 15-year old drunk with internet anonymity. Really?" Really? You TOTALLY missed the point. He could've been and probably is completely right about it not being worth the topic here. My point was that he was completely
tactless about it. You don't bash someone new to the place and start criticizing their motivations and all... starting with the very first line "sorry to break your bubble, but this is pretty much nothing." Yours wasn't much better either. Chris' post was much better and polite, while essentially saying the same message as CO2 and adding some advice.
Anyways, I did re-shade it some more and used the SMAS palette based on Chris' sprite. I did not stay
completely with the SMAS palette and style, only because fan games tend to alter the original sprites as well to make them a little more updated (hence why the MKF Mario has white gloves).
![[Image: WarioSpriteSheetSMAS.png]](http://shyguy.snorland.com/ct/WarioSpriteSheetSMAS.png)
Hi I came with this important wall of text because this thread is becoming too silly.
(08-07-2011, 06:12 PM)CouchTomato Wrote: [ -> ]It's actually a reshade, not just a recolor. If it was a recolor, then yes, it would've taken 15 minutes. But since I had to shade as well, it took me a good few hours. Also, no offense to the person who made that sprite sheet, but that Wario is pretty ugly. I never came here saying "OMG NEW WARIO SPRITE SHEET." I just said it's a re-color (although I should've said re-shade), so I don't get why you're trying to make it something that it isn't. You don't start bashing an amateur artist for trying some painting for a minor commission and asking for advice -- only to follow up with "Lol go try painting Renaissance. Stop wasting your time."
Reshading is still pretty simplistic if you ask me. You can do that in roughly the same amount of time compared to recoloring a sprite.
"Hillariously, none of them match"? Hillariously, you probably need to get your eyes checked. I did mention that my goal was to use classic sprites to fit in with fan games using SMB3 sprites. So of the possible choices, it's not hard to see that the Wario Land 2/3 sprites match the best since they actually have the same perspective and similar levels of detail.
Hilariously, this comeback is just plain stupid. Not to come up as a dick here but really, you need to look at the differences between each sprite more closely. Because none of these sprites are even remotely close to being SMAS style.
while I am at it, Same perspective and detail =/= same style, you could take a sprite from ninja gaiden and put it in super mario brothers and you can tell the styles clash and it will still have the same perspective.
Finally, regarding "And I don't see how someone telling you that re-shades aren't worth the topic = an angsty 15-year old drunk with internet anonymity. Really?" Really? You TOTALLY missed the point. He could've been and probably is completely right about it not being worth the topic here. My point was that he was completely tactless about it. You don't bash someone new to the place and start criticizing their motivations and all... starting with the very first line "sorry to break your bubble, but this is pretty much nothing." Yours wasn't much better either. Chris' post was much better and polite, while essentially saying the same message as CO2 and adding some advice.
Tactless is being a bit brash. Even if it's harsh it doesn't mean he's bashing you. And if you are going to sit here and argue every criticism here then leave, this is a board to improve your sprites not show case them, and you won't make much friends here if you're expecting to be babied. There's no excuses here.
Now mind you I don't think you're that bad but you're giving me a really bad first impression right now. Just a pro-tip, if you're willing to even improve this don't ignore what everyone say or come up with excuses to defend you're work. take people's suggestions into consideration, and at least make some effort to improve.
Likewise, as far as first impressions go. I wasn't planning on posting anymore, but I'm not leaving without replying to such an empty response, mainly this:
"Just a pro-tip, if you're willing to even improve this don't ignore what everyone say or come up with excuses to defend you're work. take people's suggestions into consideration, and at least make some effort to improve."
The only one that actually offered suggestions with regards to the topic is Chris, and as you can see right above your post, I did take into consideration his suggestions and worked on it. Everyone else just told me to do something else. And I wasn't making excuses either. I literally came here saying, "Here's my Wario Land 3 recolor. Anything I need to do make it eligible for submission?" and instead I get criticism to do something else. I asked if I could improve it, and from the single piece of actual help I got, acted on it. I'm not being babied or anything, but I do feel a need to respond to anything ridiculous.
Your current sheet uses pure black, which stands out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other colours of the palette. That's the problem about going halfway in this style: it looks out of place.
The holding sprites could do with more work: I would suggest you move the shoulders further forward, so that the arms don't seem as lanky.
I still think the blue around the eyes doesn't work, because there isn't enough contrast between the skin tone and the blue.
(08-07-2011, 08:14 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]Your current sheet uses pure black, which stands out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other colours of the palette. That's the problem about going halfway in this style: it looks out of place.
The holding sprites could do with more work: I would suggest you move the shoulders further forward, so that the arms don't seem as lanky.
I still think the blue around the eyes doesn't work, because there isn't enough contrast between the skin tone and the blue.
I actually thought the arms were originally way too muscular (from the original edited sprites I based them off of) and tried to trim them down a bit... guess I overcompensated. I kept the eye rims because they're easy to change to black (or any other color) in case they still don't work -- but it's not as easy to change back, so I'll see if I can find a better contrast, otherwise go back to the same outline color. And good point on the black. I'll try those, thanks.
(08-07-2011, 06:12 PM)CouchTomato Wrote: [ -> ]It's actually a reshade, not just a recolor. If it was a recolor, then yes, it would've taken 15 minutes. But since I had to shade as well, it took me a good few hours.
nope, you're the one who said it was a 15 min rushjob.
Also, no offense to the person who made that sprite sheet, but that Wario is pretty ugly.
I never came here saying "OMG NEW WARIO SPRITE SHEET."
nope, you came here asking for feedback on it, and it was delivered
I just said it's a re-color (although I should've said re-shade), so I don't get why you're trying to make it something that it isn't. You don't start bashing an amateur artist for trying some painting for a minor commission and asking for advice -- only to follow up with "Lol go try painting Renaissance. Stop wasting your time."
nope. your "recolored reshading" is bullshit. dont expect anyone on this forum worth its time to not let you know when your work is basically a waste of time. it was explained to you why your sprites lacked the most basic elements in quite a simple way as well.
"Hillariously, none of them match"? Hillariously, you probably need to get your eyes checked. I did mention that my goal was to use classic sprites to fit in with fan games using SMB3 sprites. So of the possible choices, it's not hard to see that the Wario Land 2/3 sprites match the best since they actually have the same perspective and similar levels of detail.
nope, in fact they are not even remotely clsoe to match each other, both in style, color palette, desing and even animation wise. a much more wiser choice would be to actually pay attention to said SMB3 sprites and study how they are designed, and upon said study try to develop your own sprite. as people on mfgg tried to and to an extent accomplished. what you did was nothing but pick the gameboy sprite just because it was "8bit" like any other bum out there trying to justify a poor excuse of recolor
Finally, regarding "And I don't see how someone telling you that re-shades aren't worth the topic = an angsty 15-year old drunk with internet anonymity. Really?" Really? You TOTALLY missed the point. He could've been and probably is completely right about it not being worth the topic here.
yes i am
My point was that he was completely tactless about it. You don't bash someone new to the place and start criticizing their motivations and all... starting with the very first line "sorry to break your bubble, but this is pretty much nothing." Yours wasn't much better either.
your recolored reshaded crap is basically crap. my point still stands
Chris' post was much better and polite, while essentially saying the same message as CO2 and adding some advice.
yet you ignore blatalanty ignored it and still persist that what you did is somewhere near your "goal" of creating one wario sprite based on the desings of smb3
Anyways, I did re-shade it some more and used the SMAS palette based on Chris' sprite.
nope, you just recolored it AGAIN using the colors chris used
I did not stay completely with the SMAS palette and style, only because fan games tend to alter the original sprites as well to make them a little more updated (hence why the MKF Mario has white gloves).
![[Image: WarioSpriteSheetSMAS.png]](http://shyguy.snorland.com/ct/WarioSpriteSheetSMAS.png)
so you want to create a wario sprite in smb3's visual style, yet you dont want to make it look way too much like smb3 because fan games tend to change it and ignore the original style
![[Image: QVkCd.png]](http://i.imgur.com/QVkCd.png)
also, just for the sake of actually explaining how would one study said sprites properly, your very first step would be using some reference material to establish how big wario is compared to mario, and translate this cale to the ingame artwork.
taking this as an example
![[Image: MarioBrosVsWarioBros.jpg]](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2rUV98HECFs/SmdiEW_t04I/AAAAAAAAAZI/x4l-tZGKk8k/s400/MarioBrosVsWarioBros.jpg)
you could dertermine wario is around 1.5 times larger and wider than mario. knowing this, all you have to do is retain wario's traits and features and transfer them to an already existing mario sprite using it as a reference and boom.
![[Image: DJCxf.png]](http://i.imgur.com/DJCxf.png)
Can I just mention that the moment that "don't make sprite edits" chart shows up, it becomes pretty darn clear that one side has pretty much stopped caring about actually trying to help because the original poster has adamantly rejected the previous help they had given. And this means one of two things are going to happen, one side with cave or one side with quit either by thier own will or by force. Here's a hint, the side posting the chart wins almost all of the time. Regardless of how idiotic that chart is, since it only shows up after advice was ignored after a few repeats..
A reshade will almost never be accepted as a submission at TSR. Mainly due to the fact that how "long a sprite takes" is based on TSR standards rather than the actual time taken. Most of the notable people here could squeeze out a scratch sheet of respectible quality in a few hours. Thus this is a "15 minute" job. Its a measure of how much skill it would take to actually make this rather than how long it actually took.
The custom section is for project that the according to TSR standards, would be beyond what they think most of those who would use such a thing should be able to handle themselves. In the case of reshades, TSR believes everyone should be able to handle it themselves. Since heavy edits are in the same boat, and I believe there are rare exceptions for useful ones and possibly the ones of the highest quality, I'd assume an amazingly talented reshade (Say warioland to Donkey kong country (I don't care if its prendered, it still can be mimiced, and would require many extra expanded frames to truly work.). Unfortunately, Wario land 2-3 to SMB3 isn't there.
Back to the sprite itself. I think there's still issues with the shading in wario's pants. I think the light would form more with Wario's legs than it currently does. I also think due to the way Wario's legs are, he wouldn't show that line on his rear during climbing, even if Mario does. Wario's stance has his legs farther apart than Mario after all.