07-27-2011, 06:51 AM
So, I've been checking out this site all morning after my daughter decided to wake me up at 5 30 only to go back to sleep before six (not important). Anyway, I got here after looking for Earthworm Jim sprites. I noticed alot of EJ sprites all over the internet but they're too small for what I need. My question is (and blame the lack of sleep if I missed some post I should have saw) how do I make sprites? Like, how do I get started from the very beginning? What programs do I need? any tutorials to help me along the way? I've thought about making sprites before and now, cause of Jim, I really gotta! Think you guys can hellp me out?
(Look, if this post is one of a million or is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it wherever or delete it and just PM me some link I missed
No sense in me cluttering things up)
(Look, if this post is one of a million or is in the wrong forum, feel free to move it wherever or delete it and just PM me some link I missed