Apparently, I've been spending
too much time in-front of deviantArt, good lord what it did to me! MY AVATAR IS A FREAKING MEME!
So I'm trying to balance everything back out and get back to converting CylentNite Blaze to Deebs so I can start doing more non-Blaze-related customs.
Cahnged by avatar because a duck in a suit and a man with ice bolts on his back is better than a grumpy face
Is the duck edited from Gors in the Fighter's Resource thread?
My favorite Portrait Ghosts in Luigi's Mansion.
Back to the older image for signature, since Photobucket's broken the links for the new one & I don't have the file on hand to upload it atm.
"Buck" Tuddrussel is one of my favorite characters.
somehow got back into spiral knights
Wanted to show my actual face around here for once.
(03-10-2012, 09:18 PM)Star/Starpower Wrote: [ -> ]Wanted to show my actual face around here for once.
I approve of this.
Oh you~

Identity-wise, I don't exactly think I changed the way I look purposely to others I've known only on the internet, but I've radically changed since the two years ago I started socializing (trolling, really) on the big cloud. I did change my general 'internet name' from something I'd rather not reminisce to SimplyMatt, most likely because I'm too lazy to think of anything creative which isn't in any way 'naff'.
Added portfolio button, since my new website is up.
I don't have my own domain, which sucks, and having cookies of my old website apparantly "loads" the old page, which doesn't exist, though it's possible it's fixed automatically over time.
It'll have to do, since I don't want to pay for a domain, and it does what it does: display my artwork and such.
because im a meme.
sure, in your eyes you're a meme, but from my perspective you're a youyou.
(03-13-2012, 06:19 PM)Kojjiro Blue Luigi Wrote: [ -> ]sure, in your eyes you're a meme, but from my perspective you're a youyou.
thats a youyou.
im a parrot?