jumping on the love-atar bandwagon, courtesy of The KKM
After my break I felt like a change of avatar, like I always do. Since I've been solving a few weekly puzzles, and it's been a while since I've solved any puzzles, I decided to go with Layton. This is the animation of him walking next to the name of your location (in the top screen of the Professor's trunk) in The Last Specter.
The funny thing is, I had to get the frames myself because they haven't been ripped yet (most of my avatar frames I get from the Resource). I might submit them (along with the rest of the trunk) later on.
because resistance was futile
e: oh snap, 1234 posts
e2: oh snap, now i want to re-watch ST:TNG
change your name to Sengi~
I'll change mine into Arisa if you do
gorsal i do not approve this name change
gilbert =/= arisa stop breaking the canon
change mutsukki's name to maidsukki
Well hey, what's that down in my signature?
It couldn't be a little icon for a game I'm working on could it?
Yup, it is. It's nearly two, why am I still up
EDIT: now it leads to the tumblr for it. You can tell it's too late when I have trouble remembering how to do that.
I can explain.....
the sprite is a bit rushed by the way...
David Gold shaped a large part of what I listen to these days, and I'd like to just imagine he's still here