You should be canadian bacon now.
I have OCD, so I reorganised my Sig...Again...
I'll be amazed if anyone knows where my new avatar is from.
Heh... I was having second thoughts about switching, so I might just change it back if people liked that one better...
In fact... yeah. Changed it back.
Old/current avatar is Yuri from Tales of Vesperia, from these little videos they put in with the PSP game Tales of Heroes: Twin Brave called Tales of Gekijou. They're basically just little shorts featuring characters from throughout the series getting into random adventures and antics. The one that my avatar is from is
this one. Be warned, some of them are kind of sickeningly "cute".
But uh, this:
is from Slash's stage from Waku Waku 7. The girl and some animals shows up in the background on the second and third rounds and I just thought her crazy swaying looked ridiculous so I made an avatar sized animation of it. Maybe I'll change it to that once I'm actually tired of Yuri questioning milk and cows.
Finally made a blog so I linked to it (just above the spoilers). Unfortunately I did this late at night so I haven't been able to fine-tune the blog, I'll have do that tomorrow. I'll also make a signature icon for it, because icons are cool
EDIT: Oops, forgot to make it public last night. Done now.
Went and finally put the full size ref into my sig(Which is a bigger version of my avatar), also put a love from DragezeeY since he turned me into an egg on another site.
i was surprised about the amount of people who kept calling me recolorcool rather than recolorme. soooo i changed it back.
While I tend to respect current usernames, I was still calling you recolourme
I mostly do it for the sake of newer members who don't know you as recolorme.
Mudei minha assinatura para um simples 'EM LUTO'. Vou mantê-lo por uma semana por causa do falecimento do meu tio. É triste a perda dele, mas a vida continua e não podemos parar. Sempre terei boas lembranças e ensinamentos dele comigo. Descanse em paz.
Again, I'm so sorry Gors. May you find happiness in the future without him, he would want that.
Sorry about that Gors!
Grahhh I needed to change into something more old timey!
Don't question me!
warned for excessive amounts of violence
History has been made.
Someone make a new thread out of that post and sticky it.