"I've told you before, Dennis, don't do that while the humans are watching. You'll make us apes look stupid".
because this gif is great
i wish i could remember where the hell i found it
@ Tellis Your sig is the best thing I have seen all day... Week
How, JUST HOW, do you work that out ???
Because Masquerain's gift is really great

Crappy Blue Luigi's gift is the polar opposite of crappy.

Because Pompel and Pilt scares me...
Also, I hate seagulls.
because Aoi stick figure is BEST stick figure
also Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy
changed them to more accurately represent me (username does not apply)
I don't like being held down by any one avatar for to long. I have intimacy issues.
Watch out for Greer or Amir'ica then
Quorra, ungh enough said, as for my sig, Sergeant D, a guy who runs a hilariously blog is hilarious, and I added my own little twist on his favorite band shout out of the year.
(12-07-2011, 03:36 PM)Argyle Bastard Wrote: [ -> ]Watch out for Greer or Amir'ica then 
Quorra, ungh enough said, as for my sig, Sergeant D, a guy who runs a hilariously blog is hilarious, and I added my own little twist on his favorite band shout out of the year.
The keyword there was 'avatar' broseph