its ok, its still classy as hell
(12-11-2012, 05:55 PM)ShadeDBZ Wrote: [ -> ]When you click "Sound Booth" it leads to your texture thread puggsoy.
Whoops, thanks for pointing that out. Fixed now!
it's vi
literally riot games' best character design thus far for League of Legends
she doles out justice in the form of giant mechanical fists
accompanying signature to come later tonight.
Gave myself a title thing and my changed my signature because I made my signature my title instead.
I'll probably update my signature when I can actually think of something to use as a signature. Right now I'm just not having think ideas also broken speech.
EDIT: I forgot to put reason oooops, because Pidgeot is sometimes a name that I go by on other sites and I feel better if it's closer to my username instead of in my signature. signature is because I sometimes idle on MMORPGs I dunno why.
I don't really know why, I just love this panel for some reason. Maybe it's because of the unusual (for the series) moment. Maybe it's because of Speedwagon's face. Maybe it's because of -all their faces-. It's art in a single retangle panel.
(Not really)
(I just like this scene)
you're just being a weeb as usual and liking it just because of the 'WAH

a new bob dylan avatar, eheheheheh
I'm glad he's covering half of his face so I don't have to see it.
Much nicer looking sig!
Also added a new support tag to the cool things I support.
Actually, it looks quite boring as it is now.
(12-22-2012, 11:50 PM)Sengineer Wrote: [ -> ]a new bob dylan avatar, eheheheheh
You had this one before eheheh.

Everyone is a foolish fool but me. I am Next, the Overlord.
I greet you, SupaFools.
It's exactly 1 year since I joined, iirc this was my avatar then.
i never liked marrio anyway
name change pending. I'm waiting for my new avatar...