New Jojo All Star Battle PV5, seems like always a good reason to change sigs heh
All of my love is now in an imgur album :>
This game will never be translated.
RIP Darks, you were the coolest protagonist I've ever seen and I only saw you twice in a 3 minute trailer.
The Dilbert RSS feed changed which apparently affected the service I was using for the daily strip. I may be able to find another one, but for now no more daily Dilbert
Now I can take the rest of my sig out of the spoiler though

Finally getting kind-of away from the Final Fantasy origin. Plus, this is what everyone calls me anyway.
Well atleast you didn't change it to something I can't recognize. Sometimes I don't know who is who around here.
IIIII call you Tonberry, but whatever.

I took a look at my old "8-bit" sprites and got hooked again.
(06-27-2013, 12:27 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Well atleast you didn't change it to something I can't recognize. Sometimes I don't know who is who around here.
I'm still Kevin Treibel
Arisa asked me if her drawing was pretty enough to be my avatar.
I didn't want to be severely beaten up.
Since I decided to come back, I thought it would be nice to change my avatar. Besides, the Wilson head creeped me out a little...
Like the Wilson one, I made this one all by myself. What do you think, guys?
I am not only a lover, also a fighter!
I am seriously addicted to Awesomenauts...
Because eventually I want to make a group like McLeoedGaming, so I thought on the title Joxon.
(06-27-2013, 12:27 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Well atleast you didn't change it to something I can't recognize. Sometimes I don't know who is who around here.
This should make things a tad easier for you