Changed my avatar to the little teleporting guy from Psychonauts. I dunno why but I just think he's awesome, beeping a little tune and blowing up that balloon thing.
(As for the user title, it's because he's called "oatmeal" in the game files.)
My lil sis is a tumblr junkie, and sent me this gif. It gave me feels, so there it is
Because Watamote is awesome.
I made a summer avatar, as the other one was quite dark.
This is quite possibly the best part of any Disney cartoon, ever.

Is that Fluttershy? O: *bricked*
As for me, I'm on a huge Freedom Planet junkie spree, so I wound up drawing Milla, and using her as an avatar. Now I only use my Glaceon avatar on Skype and deviantART.
(07-15-2013, 02:23 PM)Sevenstitch Wrote: [ -> ]My lil sis is a tumblr junkie, and sent me this gif. It gave me feels, so there it is
Those feels indeed. That's why I always roll my way to Hyrule Castle Town. It somehow makes a difference.

Virt and Puggsoy forced me to change my name at gunpoint.
Because Jojo PV6

(I only update signatures to that what a nerd)
I was bored, and this felt like a nice change of face.
Also, I'm still sevenstitch
Magic: The Gathering is awesome.
I felt like my last one gave some of my posts a less serious tone than intended, so I made a square icon like Sengir and Lexou.
Because I recently acquired this skin in Awesomenauts.

Because Professor Layton is awesome, and cats are awesome.