Oh, did not know you were twins.
Identical? Happy balls day
I want two birthdays!!!!
Happy Brithday~
Joyeux Anniversaire, mon copain francais!
Thanks guys, I had a great day.
Now I have all August to work off all the fat and weight I put on, hehehe.
I'm glad you had a great day! You really deserve it for being one of the best mods and spriters here.

Happy Birthday Chris2Balls. I hope you have a great one, and many more! ;D
I was touched because one of my childhood friends that I hadn't seen in 8/9 years came, and yeah, it's been a great birthday. I just ate too much!
(07-30-2011, 05:16 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: [ -> ]I was touched because one of my childhood friends that I hadn't seen in 8/9 years came, and yeah, it's been a great birthday. I just ate too much!
Okay, I'm really tired and when I first read this it registered in my brain as "I was touched by my childhood friends".
Oh, and happy birthday a day or two late! xD
have a great next birthday
Oh, I wasn't around yesterday so happy birthday today instead...!
Wait you have a twin? Must be interesting to have a double Birthday. Hope you had fun.